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Here is a tester again for Marky  ;) ;) I was going to post this in the other thread about " what implements did MF make" but I can't seem to find it :( :(

I have been reading a magazine and I saw this implement that I have never seen before, it is apparently very rare and only 3 are known to still be in existence, so have you got a brochure for this one?  ;) ;) ;)


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There is indeed one in Mike Thornes collection.. and also one in the Paul Rackham collection too.. I don't have many Ferguson broochures Mike.. my real area of interest is from 1958 and upwards (to the mids 80's really in all honesty)

I'll have a look though... you never know.. I may surprise you  ;):P:-*

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There is indeed one in Mike Thornes collection.. and also one in the Paul Rackham collection too.. I don't have many Ferguson broochures Mike.. my real area of interest is from 1958 and upwards (to the mids 80's really in all honesty)

I'll have a look though... you never know.. I may surprise you  ;):P:-*

understatement in massey ferguson overalls right there!

interesting implement! am i right in thinking that the bars with tines on move left to right?

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mark is that the one that mike usally has on the back of a te? or gold fergy ,rears blocked up and running to show how it actually works?? just by the door of the main building top end?

No mate.. that's the side delivery hay rake.. demonstrating the ferguson draft control system on an egg (that we all know he injects with concrete slurry and bakes before hand)  ::):D :D :D
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