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MF 590 HMT


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Calling on all MF experts...

Are there any (external) differences between the red cabbed & the red/silver cabbed MF 590's?, so if (I say if, as I don't know if there are any other changes to the HMT model - having only seen a small picture of it) the U-H 590 HMT edition is just the top half of the cab painted silver - would it be accurate?

Also while on the subject of 590's - think I read on here somewhere that the 590 4wd is longer than the 2wd 590, is that the case, and if so by how much (bonnet length/wheelbase etc)

Any info much appreciated.

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the silver topped one is correct, usally they were uk built ,only major difference was the early ones like this used to have just one door, on the left as you looked down the tractor, but later ones were twin doored, as to the lenght, marky will be able to tell you the difference there, although from memory it was the tombstone that added the extra length so the 4wd axel could be fitted

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Indeed so... the 590 4wd is a longer vehicle... with the extra length being taken up in the front of the machine as Sean rightly says.  For this reason you will find that the bonnet side panels are very different as they 'absord' the extra length.

Aside from the extra door on the late silver cab/red cab the front grill was also changed around this time too.  Early models have fixed headlights and a shorter grill... later models have a one pices front grill with the headlights in them

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i have driven both the 595 and the 590 over the years,,yes the 595 was certainly not as good a tractor as the 590 but i have in the past given thought to making a 595...the rear wheel arches would have to be extended at the back and the 595 has a totally different shape bonnet if you look at it from birds eye view...But the 1 major snag in making a 595 is not the arches nor the bonnet but the engine compartment...The 595 has engine side rails which support the whole engine,a feature not on any other 500 range model...to get this correct you would need to find a donor with side rails and slice it in half and add the 590s back end,tricky even to find a donor which is why none of us have ever seen a good 595 conversion to date..this problem stumps even me who is not afraid of a challenge,another thing is that all early and most common 595 examples came on PAVT rims and a bigger wheel size than the 590,again not easy to track down,if you could beg Matryns farm models to sell you a set of 1080 front and rear rims you,d be elected for the 595s wheels...sorry if ive turned you off now but there all important factors

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ah yes sean,that was exactly the donor i had in mind,until i studied the engine,its totally different but is one of very few half suitable donors for the job..i studied it for ages and in the end discarded the whole idea of using a 4020,but im still on the lookout

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box is a special mf dealer coloured one tris, got the hmt logo on the side cost me 25 quids limited to 1500, i guess each numbered but mines not coming out of the box reason??? no idea really, guess it was only a matter of time before uh did it anyway

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So, when did MF introduce the two door cab, the sliding window and the one piece grill?

lord fergy is the guy to ask, but i think the 2 door cab and sliding window was 1979 the 1 piece grill 1981/82 when the cabs went all red, except the roof that stayed silver
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