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Britains 5110 - Special Promo Tractor?


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Many of you have probably seen this on ebay at the moment, but was just curious to know if this an actual Britains model. I had no idea they had produced such models if it is true.

The only special promo model I can think of is the MB Trac.

If any of you have information on this, would be great to hear from you.



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As far as I know these models were made in the Ford factory in Basildon or Antwerp by the apprentices and given to the person who bought the tractor during Ford's Jubilee - it has the actual tractor index plates on it.  -  I have one with an Irish plates on it and it cost me ?50 many years ago. 

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Sorry to dig up this post again but ploughmaster says that everyone who bought a Ford in 1989 was given an exact replica of their tractor. Personally I dont think this is exactly accurate as any of these models that I have seen have been of a super-Q tractor of approximately '4 cylinder' dimensions. I have never seen any AP cabbed ones or small ones like 3610s and the like. I reckon myself that all the models were the same except for the unique registration number engraved on each. Anyone else have any more thoughts?


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Some of them got out to the model tractor trade without reg.nos. I have one like that & one with a local reg. no. that I found by chance when I took some things down to the local auction rooms for mother when my parents got out of the farmhouse in '99. While I was waiting for them to book the items in I had a look round & saw one with some other items of no interest.Went back to auction,bought the lot concerned & left the remainder for the next auction-result:model cost me ?22!!

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As Ploughmaster said i don't know the maker of these models but the most common one is the

ford 7810. But there is 2wd and AP cab models as i have had and seen them and there is also tw tractors as well as in the photo of which i have is a TW35 the scale of these is around 1/43 approx or a little smaller hope this helps.? mf135


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