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Ropa sugarbeet loader


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Heres some pictures of the Ropa self propelled sugarbeet cleaner/loader. All taken today while hard at work loading one of our heaps of sugarbeet. The operator was telling me that so far this sugarbett season it has loaded somewhere in the region of 86000 tonnes, and loads approx. 4% of the Wissington factories sugarbeet.


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its its sole purpose to load the beet or can you put different heads on it or what I've never seen sugar beet being done really

Its only purpose is for the cleaning and loading of sugarbeet into lorries between mid September and mid February. The rest of the year it will not be used.

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The haulier who owns the Ropa also runs a fleet of Hanomag loading shovels and trailed cleaner loaders. All of the beet has to be loaded this way as the factory will deduct money off for too much dirt or in the worst case, reject the load altogether. Will try to get some pic's of the Hanomag and cleaner when they come to collect our last heap

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thats one hell of a bit of kit there,thanks for the pics,all we used to do was pwerwash them down on the heap as they were tipped with a big old mining jet wash,with water from the lake ,then just load them up with the fergy and loader into trucks ,how time changes,that was ok for the beet factorys in those days

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Its a hell of a machine when you're standing up on the footplate while it's loading a lorry, but i was surprised as to how quiet the engine was for such a big machine. Quite strange seeing the beet flying along under your feet

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