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fordguyderrick reporting


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hi all

im a britains collector from eastern lancashire in england i work in a livestock auction as well as on a farm and on top of both of those i run my own farm too  ::)

i collect mostly MIB britains from the 60s to the early 2000s and i have around 80 MIB ers ( which i will post pics of in the relevant threads when i find said thread )

i also own and run 2 david browns on my own farm ( both 990s ... one implematic and one selectamatic ... again pics to follow when i find the right thread )

my other interests is i have a small collection of transformers toys ranging from the origanal 1984 ones up to the recent movie ones

i have a seriously keen sense of humour so i hope youre prepared  ;D

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What Sean said... welcome aboard Derrick... its always good to have another posting member... especially one with a sense of humour.. I only hope it rubs off on some of our more serious members  :P

So... questions questions questions..

Favourite model ?

Why ?

What would you most like to own... but currently don't ! ?

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my favourite model has to be my powerfarm TW35 MIB since its nigh on immaculate and just so damn sweet

ive been on the hunt for a powerfarm county

its taken me a while but i think ive found one that fits my very very fussy bill *

just need to sell my soul and i can own it  :P

*= im extremely fussy about the condition of the boxes and toys ... anything less than a C8.5 - C9 has no place in my collection  ::)

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Welcome aboard Derrick. Nice first post, busy man by the sounds of things. Look forward to seeing some of your collection too, feel free to leave out the photos of cardboard boxes and packaging mind, BC gets excited for that kind of thing!  :of:laugh: :laugh:

I have started recollecting MIB Britains but it will only be the toys I dismembered and broke when I was a kid. My prize so far is a gift set which I first had at the age of 8 I think. It was long since split up, parts lost etc and then this year a very helpful dutch man (nielsa123) found me one MIB.... The green cattle lorry with livestock, feed manger and cattle pens. It made my flipping lifetime.  :) :)

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