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Ertl 2011


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I have seen some combine's with thier front tyres on backwards, so i would ask is it 1 tyre that is the wrong way round, or the other 3?

;D  ;D  ;D 

(Please find the sarcastic humorous nature of that comment!!)

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I will accept any constructive criticism.  I don't feel a comment about a tire being on backwards to be constructive criticism.  This happens to be the first shots from the tooling.  There are going to be issues and things that need to be fixed.

We'll get it fixed.


I am sure it is hard to make all collectors happy, thing is Ertl is making mistakes that IMO can be prevented by, asking people that are heavily involved in the hobby what they think about a new model.

And again quality control from the factory should improve.

2 examples are : the 1/64 IH 1466 1468 set, Turbo decal on the hood of the 1468 should not be there, and the 1466 is in the 1468 place in the box and visa verse.

JD 4240 1/16, Headliner installed incorrect, glue stains on hood.

Again I like the Ertl product, specially the precision series, but the moaning comment rubbed me the wrong way.

I am sure the tyres of the next new tooling will be on the right way, I just feel that saying your customers moan is a wrong attitude that can not be fixed with : quote : I will accept any constructive criticism. I don't feel a comment about a tire being on backwards to be constructive criticism.


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People have a right to say whatever they want about an item.

I understand your comment, but how does saying a tire is on backwards improve the product?

The photo we are discussing was taken from another website and put onto this website.  Should I have complained about someone using my image without approval?

So anyone can say negative things about our product...  I guess I'm only supposed to have a positive attitude...

Double standard?

I'm done.

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People have a right to say whatever they want about an item.

I understand your comment, but how does saying a tire is on backwards improve the product?

The photo we are discussing was taken from another website and put onto this website.  Should I have complained about someone using my image without approval?

So anyone can say negative things about our product...  I guess I'm only supposed to have a positive attitude...

Double standard?

I'm done.

You have got a point, we can see from the image quality and the background of the photo that this is not a press release so I assume the photo should not have even appeared on the internet. Which begs the question - how?

I'm sure had it been a purposeful release then the discrepancies in the model would not have been so. However, for whatever reason there are discrepancies and the photo has been put into the public domain. I don't feel I nor anyone else is wrong for picking up the mistakes? It would happen anywhere and for anything. The combine does look good, no question about that but it is a shame that the first image we see (rightly or wrongly) is of a new model and there being faults on it.  :-\

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Way back in the mists of time, we used all be delighted to see a photo from Bill's desk. It was often the highlight of our year.

Prototypes with their wheels on backwards, or the colour matching between painted and moulded elements being slightly off, are not major issues - or at least they weren't when we appreciated being given a heads-up on what was coming down the line.

I say; Thank you Bill.

.... and I look forward to seeing photos of 600/7A series Fords on Bill's desk in the not too distant future.

New short bonnet and long bonnet TWs would work for me too!  ;)

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The photo we are discussing was taken from another website and put onto this website.  Should I have complained about someone using my image without approval?

I guess I'm only supposed to have a positive attitude...

With respect Bill... and I do mean this respectfully...

1. Image - I'd be asking myself how the image got here in the first place... assuming that you are implying you took it yourself then you should be able to trace how it got into the public domain (in hyperspace). I'm no lawyer.. but as I understand it, you'll be pretty powerless to stop such an image being re-published all over the world once it's 'gotten out' ... Perhaps deploying a watermark of some kind may be a way to avoid this in the future.

2. Positive attitude - Not half... in front of your customers ? .. are you kidding  :of ... I only have 1500 or so customers... a number of them make my skin crawl and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up... but I don't think they have detected that from me  ;)

Leaked images have long been a good marketing stunt... and I guess there is no such things as bad publicity in the model world at least  :-\ ...

FTF, like all the other great forums I am sure, are extremely grateful for the images you share with us.. whilst a great deal of your products end up in toy trunks or buried in sandpits around the world.. us die-hard collectors are the real enthusiasts buying your brand... and for some of us that means every version you release, from colour variation to country specification to show model to limited edition. In short... we all make the till ring... but we make it go ding-a-ling  :)

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  • 2 months later...

One of the US sites has the S690 down as released next Monday (23rd); I'm quite keen to see what the finished article looks like, to give an idea of the Britains example. I am wondering what sort of box it will come in, as the grain tank lids are quite wide, more so than any of the previous combines.

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