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multi stage rams



guys, i have hit a brick wall on the lely build, i have made the rams for the folding header, but the only way i can get them to close properly within the space i have is to make a swing arm to which they attach, this allows the end to move back,allowing the upright position , this however does block my mounting position for the reel and sails ect also on the real thing the rams stay flat when in storage or used position, the only way i can see to do it is use a multi stage ram, but i only have 1cm of lenght to play with ,my normal car areil route is way to big ,i have tried that today.i got a 2 stagemade but i do not have enough length to play with for the stops inside each section, does anyone have any idea if such a small multi stage ram is avaiable on any models?? or infact any idea how i can overcome this problem?


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closed is 1cm open is 2.5 cm blake ,single stage i can do, but to get the full swing i need multi stage, prob is i cant go to big dia wise, the current outer sleve is a 5 mm tube, so i need to get 2 stages  inside that , i have ally tube for 1 stage, but i cant find anything small enough to create another withing that tube with enough strenght to use it

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Sean,the smallest hydraulic rams I have ever seen are fitted to a 1/50th scale Valmet forest harvester,to small and akward for me to get in and measure,bit expensive too,their currently sitting at $ 79.95,then there would be postage as well,here's a couple of photo's,




Best luck


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when i get to the center ram i doubt it would be strong enough to safely move it tris, i have laods of that arround, and the finest is only 1mm thick, so should it stick it would snap very easily

ricky, when you say slot, how do you mean, the piviot point needs to be a fixed center otherwise the thing can move up and down, thus allowing it to hit the floor?? to allow clearance between the cab platform and the floor, for transport i only have a cm to play with height wise

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