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Wel as the topic name say´s

This are 2 models for the MF factory trip next monday one wil be the prize for 3 or 4 questions and the other i give to the tourguide to place it somewhere in the factory. (i hope they like that model)

Here the result what i did (not the dificult thing to do)



I hope you like them?


Very nice johnny... Are you doing a quiz then ? Will it be an MF one too? Can I join in  :P

Enjoy your trip mate and take plenty of pictures for us all please  :-*


Thanks for the reply´s

See you monday Erik! ;)

@Mark: the quiz is only for the people that going whit the trip monday ;):P

I think it where December that i contacted the female that organizes trips to factory´s to go to MF whit a group of persons.

I had about 20 to 25 people that wanted to go whit me to Beauvais and i said to her if she knew some people that wanted to go also on this trip that she may bring them whit her.

So she advertised and now whe got a bus full of enthausiasts and a few women that are going whit us.

So i hope i feel better monday because thursday i went to the hospital whit much pain.

The said to me in the hospital that they think i have kidney stone´s

But Monday i wil go whit the trip if i feel 100% or 50%!


Thanks Light land ;)

Where thinking about that Paul when i where painting the rims but that would take to much time for me whit my kidney stone´s it wasnt a plessent job ;)


Thanks Light land ;)

Where thinking about that Paul when i where painting the rims but that would take to much time for me whit my kidney stone´s it wasnt a plessent job ;)

hope your better johny

Well the models are not in my possesion any more!

Whe had a winner in the quiz who scored 7 points out of the 8 points that could be scorred.

The other model is given to an employee of the MF beauvais Factory and he said the place it in a nice cabinet.

When i got home late last night i already had an email from the good man to thank me again (was the 6th time i think :D :D :D )

And he where a bit suprised off the models that where on my website he loved them! :D :D :D

All by all i had a great time yesterday and the reactions of the people that went whit us where great! :D

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