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Carrier bags,hessian sacks and feed & fertilizers bags

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Well Sue maybe my collection of carrier and hessian sacks will have some value after all ;D ;D

I know who bought that bag but I suspect he bought it for someone who has a large collection of Field Marshall tractors and also one of those Marshall's on the bag.

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Yes Lanark does tend to be a fairly expensive weekend model wise Paul but its a show which has models, real tractors and real lorries so its a great show for me.

I don't quite know who many G&M carrier bags I would have Paul but there must be a few. Even if my carrier bags sell for £ 1 a bundle at my roup that will be 100% profit ;D ;D

Some of the ones from Lanark





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It really is quite a small world as they say Paul. Is that what you do for a day time job :huh:

Anyway back on topic some more of my collection which also includes hessian and paper bags....(but not all photographed yet ;D ;D )

One from Sinclair's of Inverurie in Aberdeenshire who I buy all my Border Fine Art models via their other shop "The Post Horn" in Castle Douglas


Now another one which I can't remember where I got it from since well I have never made a purchase at this auction house


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Aye Bill, i'm a mechanic/fitter/welder and build milk,liquid waste, sludge and clean water tankers, i know the Post horn in Castle Douglas, and their other shop In Annan. Its a small world indeed!! :) :)

I have been down to the Castle Douglas shop a few years back in fact the Spring of 2008 Paul when I got my Leyland model wheel rims repainted in the correct colour of silver instead of cream. Gosh that was a harsh task trying to convince BFA Leyland wheels were silver and not cream as their predecessor the Nuffield. Anyway I hope maybe I have the only limited edition one No 28 of 950 and was signed by the master sculptor himself Ray Ayres with the correct colour of wheel rims. ;D ;D





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Interesting, I guess ill have to start saving my bags when I got to farm shows. ::);D

Usually they are "freebies" at a show Luke so yes it's a good idea since well they like everything else in this world they could be come extinct unless we (who are only passing through) do not preserve for future generations :huh:

Anyway I don't have many one's from tractor shows apart from this one from the Tillage event from Edzell in Angus Scotland in late 2010


I remember the day well...meeting up with a fellow FTF member on here NewHolland2 aka Martin or Mart and also the mess of my car when I got home...mostly caused on the way in to the event.


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I'm glad I stuck in there and convinced them they had got it wrong Paul...besides that I may have quite a rare BFA in the correct colours ;D ;D

I'm one of those folk not to accept anything that's not right...don't get me going on that but I got a "rotten orange" in a box of oranges I bought from Costco this afternoon on the way home from work.....well I'll be back tomorrow to see them since well I only stopped in past to get a price for a couple of tyres for my car...and well Friday is my usual stop off there anyway...so depending on the outcome please look out in various topics...e.g. .....what made you sad...OR ...what made you happy...or what annoyed you ;D ;D

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Those are interesting, never seen anything like that....are they common I wonder in Europe?? Tractors must be small if you can take them away in a bag........wonder what Markys business uses on his bags?? Maybe a big konk or a rotten cabbage??? ;) Knowning Barry it's probably a naked women.....Wonder what Mandy has on her bags?? Probably a picture of Marky ewwwwwwwwwwwwww.. well could be used during Holloween...a couple eye holes and it would make a good monster mask >:D

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Talking of rotten cabbages Rick well I got I right rotten orange in a box of 12 I purchased from Costco on Thursday when I was in past pricing tyres. Anyway I did not discover this until I was home since it was only one of the three which were wrapped in papers. Normally I would have put it in the compost heap but sod it since I was going back there again on Friday I popped it into a Tesco's / Morrison's bag and put that inside a used ice cream container. Yesterday I went to the customer service area and opened the box and said this rotten orange was in the box of 12 I bought yesterday. She initially said I should have taken back the whole box to which I said I have already eaten two and well I was here to advise them in case there was a bad batch of oranges. Anyway she did not know how to handle the situation and there was a lot of whispers going on with another assistant. Then on the phone. Well I not renowned for having much patience so I said tell you what give me my card back and I'll drop in past when I have completed my shopping. She wrote down my member ID returned my card and I continued on my way and got my shopping done. On the way out I stopped at the service desk and got another assistant to which I said....hello I'm back about the rotten orange.....from under the desk she produced an envelope with my name on it and £ 4.99 in cash plus my ice cream container....to which I said thank you very much but I'll leave you to dispose of the empty container and the orange....since they are of no use to me. ;D ;D


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By heck one orange huh ;) ...Marky needs to hire you for quality control! I can just see it now... (Processing Carrots) "STOP STOP, I just spotted a carrot with hair ! This won't do, let me ring up the front office and get Lord Ferguson down here....After all it was his Massey that fetched these carrots in.....quality control would just go to ell in a basket without me here, keeping me eye open". These puffed up Cambridge type just don't know their carrots !!!!!!!

Later driving north: "Getting sacked over a carrot with hair" :of Cheeky sod spends all day in the office on his ipad. Wots eee know about carrots!!!!!! ???

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you must be a scott ;D

Hey from now I might collect bags for you from some shows in my area and post them to you. I will just have to remember doing it, but I will try.

A Scot by nationality but not by name Markus. I don't go out of my way to complain about things but I think it is good to suppliers and make them think about their quality control for other customers Markus. And hey I got 11 oranges for nothing and dammed good tasting ones as well ;D ;D

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