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What Do You Grow In Your Garden

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The Tom Thumbs at Mums are starting to flower. The ones beside the tatties and sweet peas are mostly leaf so they must be feeding off the dung.






Even some are growing within the tatties




I lifted some more Sharpes Express and some rogue King Edwards and some Aminca. These were planted a week or so later than the first and some of the Aminca have that dread "zip fastners" on them.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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I tried two stems of my own Sharpes Express and they were a good size and blight free unlike mums ones at Kemany and they were sprayed for blight...maybe Deeside is better then Donside for tatties ;D  ;D




As yet I have not sprayed mine for blight but I might just cut down the shaws in a week or so instead.




Had it not been for this red flower thingy that grows on the neighbours hedge it would have been all brown....next year I'm seriously thinking of giving it a paint or spray with green paint since it looks terrible. The only other thing I have considered is screening it with willow which I bought earlier this year from Costco for my sweet pea fence.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's now getting to the time of the year when all the garden stuff is well in season and beginning to mature for harvesting. Dug some of my Brothers spuds today and although the stalks have died down and no longer green the spuds skins are still scraping. I pulled a handful of my carrots this afternoon and they are really good and a good size. The beetroot are coming on, about the size of tennis balls. The courgettes are all grown up now and become vegetable marrows and as for the sweet corn, well. I've never known it to grow so high, nearly 10 feet. The cobs are now forming but it will be some time before they'll be ready. Runner beans are plentiful, I'm picking every day. I've lifted the shallots as they've died off and the onion setts tops are folding over, a sign that they are beginning to ripen. Despite the very dry summer we've had and a cold start to a late spring the garden produce has done extremely well, the rain we've had since the very dry spell has saved everything.



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I don't know why some pictures uploaded twice!


Edited to reduce the multiple pictures....robbo

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Thanks Robbo for editing the pictures, just changed my laser mouse and it's a bit sensitive, like me!, and if you're not quick as a flash it's like keeping your finger on the same key on an electric typewriter.

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  • 1 month later...

Lifted my onion setts a month ago Robert, they're roughly about the same size as yours, not as big as they were last year due to the dry hot summer we had but if I hadn't watered them a few times they would have been even smaller. I've got one hell of a crop of sweetcorn this year, some stalks have 3 cobs on them. Carrots and beetroot have also done well this year. Spuds not such a good crop, small, put in 25kg and have dug about 120kg, if we'd had a wetter summer the crop should have been 4 times that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday afternoon was lovely an sunny so I took the opportunity to lift about half of my potato patch.






The last drill was a mixed one I can't even remember what I planted since i failed to write it down.




The Maris Piper were a heavy croper off on short drill 8)




Pink Fir Apple not a heavy cropper but quality not quantity



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  • 2 months later...

Boxing Day and I was still at mum's and as it was such a fine looking day I decided to dig over the part of the back garden which will remain arable  in 2014 the rest will be kerbed and chuckie's laid down (over barrier fabric) with planters etc added for a relatively free maintenance back garden.






Burning off pieces of wood my late dad had fitted along the fence to keep the neighbour's ground and chuckies and weeds out so I will be able to treat the fence with old fashioned creosote which dad still had 25 litres off...no he would have referred to that as 5 gallons and he would have probably added another gallon of "bursen oil" aka used / burnt oil to that to darken it up and dispose of the used oil ;D  ;D








Well that's my finish for today not the best but off the spade and no hand work or footwork as some of these match plough men do to make their tractor ploughing look better ;D  ;D



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I myself Bill have been out doing a spot of work moving ewes and cleaning out cattle. That's a good idea turning the soil over as the frost will do its job and should have the soil broke down  which should make it easy to work with in the new year. I would be at the same thing but I will have new veg garden in the new year which will be in the garden beside the house this new veg patch will be bigger than I have now and should be easier to look after as its beside the house and I can keep my eye on it  

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It's so so mild for this time of year Robert...I had a boiler suit and fleece on but by 11am and the sun was up I had to cast the jacket. Yes I hear your point about the frost breaking down the ground....but I hope there is not too many frosty mornings for travelling on the back roads to work. ;D  ;D

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Can't do anything in my garden now, with all the recent rain we've had you'd get stugged down with more earth on your boots and shovel than you'd leave in the garden. Scrolling down from the top of the page and reading the posts all seems so long ago now!

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I was just glad to get outside on a nice day time and burn off some of the Xmas calories Tim plus it gets what is usually Spring work out of the way. Never mind we are past the shortest day now so the days should be getting longer.

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Don't know about the days getting longer Bill, with the weather we've been having they seem to be getting shorter!, dark until 8.00am and dark at 4.30pm but despite the wind and rain it is very mild, I feel sorry for those who have been flooded out over Christmas and have had no electrical power, gardening for them I suspect will be the last thing on their mind. Let's hope things improve soon.

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  • 1 month later...

Not so much gardening but assembling a Keter storage shed "meant for 2 wheelie bins" at mums to be used to hold a cement mixer and bags of cement etc for jobs I plan to do in the back garden over the next few months to turn my late dad's vegetable garden into a more chuckie free easy back yard with flower planters dotted around to add colour.


Oh and the shed was on offer from Costco at £ 83.98 and well it is maintenance free and I could not have made a wooden one for that ...never mind the material's or the time to build it...despite having  the learnt joinery capabilities ;D  ;D





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The flower bulbs that we've planted in the garden last autumn are currently up and running here. They're all tulips and about 3 inch tall now, due to the extreme warm temperatures. Hopefully they won't rot away because of all the rain! Will get some pictures when they're up.


My girlfriend and I bought a new house September last year and also start in the garden with a clean sheet. We've put in all the stones and it's just the green bits left now which will take a while. Half December we planted an apple, pear and plumb tree. Won't do any vegetables sadly but might sow some wheat or barley ;D. Just because it looks pretty. Will also sow some wild flower mix that is usually drilled around field edges.

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Well Bill here are some garden pictures.


First photo: The apple and pear tree.

Second photo: The plumb tree.

Third photo: Soil turned over and waiting for spring...

Fourth photo: Tulip bulbs emerging

Fifth photo: More tulip bulbs. Came up a lot quicker due to the warm weather

Sixth photo: Last overview shot of the garden.







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Well Bill here are some garden pictures.


First photo: The apple and pear tree.

Second photo: The plumb tree.

Third photo: Soil turned over and waiting for spring...

Fourth photo: Tulip bulbs emerging

Fifth photo: More tulip bulbs. Came up a lot quicker due to the warm weather

Sixth photo: Last overview shot of the garden.


Looking good Niels...thanks for the photos....here in Aberdeenshire in Scotland only the snow drops are out and the crocuses starting to flower 8)



What do I grow in my garden? Well I am starting to think that RICE would be a good option at the moment. Poxy weather.


Well sound good  Chris if you grow a lamb or two....I quite like a Lamb Dupiaza curry but prefer Pilau rice with it and some plain nan bread ;D  ;D

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