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Do I or dont I?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its really a good show have a display everyone is friendly and you will enjoy the day I did .

My form arrived yesterday and there are three competitions this year (Mandy's idea) so there will be even more of interest

  • Warner Hall Trophy - best scratch-build
  • Toytrac Tophy - best diorama
  • HollyLovesToys Trophy - best diorama by an under 16-year old (max size 4' x 2')

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I'm over 16 but I am onle 4x2..... :D :D

Will, for the last three or maybe four years I have not managed to get a layout to Toytrac but I think I ought to try this year so come, I'll race ya!!

Well done that man, It will be great to see Leverets again.

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