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What did you do for Halloween 31st October 2012

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I was wondering what everyone is getting up to if anything for Halloween this year. At the company I presently work for the IT department usually have home bakes and dress up and collect money for charity. This year it was for a charity that had helped one of our IT employees Wendy Eaton who died earlier this year aged 26 and had suffered with cancer for a few years. Anyway I didn't dress as such other than a face mask of a boss of ours who took early retirement so it got a few laughs since he was know as the hairy monster.having said that in our diminiishing group of six at least I was the only one who made an effort.

Anyway when I left at 2pm the online takings were £ 450 so the IT girls had at least a few more hours of collecting to do. We will find out tomorrow how much was raised and I'm sure a few like myself will dig deeper and add more if we need to get to a round sum donation.

I only took 3 photos and the rest are by various other people at work. I must say there was a buzz at work today and everyone seemed on a high given all the cost cuts of late and looming redundancies over the next year or so with work being transferred to Dubai.

The head of IT in red with her little helpers at the decorated desk of an older chap who is on holiday and well is a kind of Victor Meldrum type of chap regarding Halloween etc...but he has a wicked sense of humour and is a right wind up character.

Anyway my three photos.



And a scary explosives chap


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Yes David I will resume as soon as I can ...since well I have heard of a sudden death in my family and not my parents or uncle who is just been taken into a care home for assessment..but dad's oldest brother's wife or dad's sister in law...mind you she puffed up those cancer sticks ....lets say subject closed

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Wish my employees were as happy to celebrate Halloween, one of the 3cx operators had put there grim reeper mask over the head rest, almost filled my drawers when I went past it, looked rather spooky, don't get many trick or treaters round about my neck of the woods,

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Yes Chris, I am, a mile from the village, plus the fact that the parents don't let their little darlings out after dark nowadays without an 'apropriate' adult, well, they don't come here, I think they're afraid I might eat them or the beast of Dartmoor will get them! ;)

I remember one year, back when I was a mere pup, we had a large beech tree on the side of the road outside my house and I painted a white skull on the trunk six foot up parralell with the road and stuck a couple of catseyes thingy's in the eye sockets, it was good fun watching the passing vehicles either stop to have a good look or put their foot down and go like hell up the road.

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Yes Chris, I am, a mile from the village, plus the fact that the parents don't let their little darlings out after dark nowadays without an 'apropriate' adult, well, they don't come here, I think they're afraid I might eat them or the beast of Dartmoor will get them! ;)

I remember one year, back when I was a mere pup, we had a large beech tree on the side of the road outside my house and I painted a white skull on the trunk six foot up parralell with the road and stuck a couple of catseyes thingy's in the eye sockets, it was good fun watching the passing vehicles either stop to have a good look or put their foot down and go like hell up the road.

Brilliant :laugh: :laugh: Might try that next year with my sheep's skull.

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There weren't much mirth an merriment happening with us at work or even much doing down in the Valley...... even though Pendle Hill meant to be the gathering place for the witches and Waddow hall meant to be a haunted house ::) , there weren't even many spirits about........... but that a good thing you can't get wrecked on a work night and be in a fit state early doors the morning after :laugh: :laugh:

Looks like your office pals get in the mood Bill, a good bit o fun and tomfoolery makes the day go alot quicker :)

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Yes it was a good feel to the day Paul and this is what appeared in our inhouse magazine and it shows folk are wrong when they same Aberdonians are tight with their money ;D


Once again Halliburton celebrated Halloween and along with having a little fun raised an amazing £1000 for the charities CLAN and Friends of Anchor. Both of these charities are close to the hearts of IT who organised this year’s Halloween fundraiser having lost one of their team to cancer in August.

Many employees dressed up in various scary outfits and all who dressed up made a considerable effort which was greatly appreciated. Some of the departments made cakes etc and raised money by selling these. A great many thanks to all who contributed so generously at the Don, Dee and Halliburton House facilities – well done!

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