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Just want to say hi to everyone here, its been a long time since ive logged on maybe 4-5 years. Great to see it still going strong and alot of the old members i used to be familiar with still here, as well as alot of new members too. I had a bit of free time today so just spent a bit of time looking through some of yere collections and custom models. It gets me sentimental ;)!! Unfortuntaly i have had to put all my collecting on hold a few years ago and had to move to australia for work so it did not leave me with much time for my models anymore :(. Im still in the same line of work though so thats a good thing, operating excavators here building new train lines and roads etc. but i cant wait to get home again and restart my collection some time in the future not to mention seeing farming irish style again ha ha!.

Anyway its good to see alls going with the forum and some great conversions i havent seen before. Best of luck for 2013.


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Alan, really great to hear from you again bud. You've been far and wide by the sound of it. How did you land a job on civil work then and how long are you out there for? Be great to see a photo or two of what you have been doing...... :) Great to see your post buddy.

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Hey guys :) good to hear from ye all and hope ye are all doing good. ha ha! its like coming back into a room with people i havent seen in ages! :( The last model I bought was a precesion jd 8530 in dec 08!! Since the recession started in 2008 ive been globe trotting again. Last few years rundown I can not remember now if the last time i was on here if i put up some pictures of the american wheat harvest? That was back in 2008 with frederick harvesting. From 2009 i gave two years working in england on an arable farm and with a sugar beet contractor which was enjoyable but i was working 80-100hr weeks all year long in a place that was not home so lets just say the social life was non existent so i got sick of that ;). Then i went home for 2011 and did some work for Wills Bros civil engineering and a local contractor i used work with before, but towards the end of 2011 work was getting quite so i decided to head to Australia. Ive been here now a year and a half and im only taking one day at a time these days cos its hard to plan too much in advance but id say ill be here for the next 4 years anyway....... ;) but first chance i get to get home il be taking it.

Tris i ended up in the Civil side over here cos well firstly i did alot of that at home also, qualified as a construction manager but it was kinda in the backround to farmming haha. But over here farming is different and the money in civil is far better so you can guess the rest. Anyway im only on my phone now but if i get time in the next few days ill try and put up some photos from the last few years for ye guys. I must go now so see ye later. Great to hear from ye.

Ps Sean those masseys you done for me are still up on their shelf in my room at home.

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Wow! That's quite a run over the past few years! Of course, I'm not a tad envious!! Your construction qualification was a superb idea and what good stead it put you in as a reward. I do wish I had more than just my HGV license to call on when work was quiet. Sounds like staying away from Europe for the time being is another good idea of yours too. If you have any leftover ideas..... Ya know...... Ahem!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey :) Mein Name ist Jared Ich bin 22 Jahre alt und lebe in Polen für 4 Jahre haben wir für landwirtschaftliche oder online kaufen Modelle aukciach wollte euch meine kleine Sammlung, die auf der Website verfügbar galerji ist wurden modelliert: http://forum.agromodele.pl / user/559-jarek-john-deere8r / oder auf meinem Profil :) vor etwa Bauernhof Spielzeug erfuhr ich von einem Freund, der in Deutschland lebt

Edited by Jarek_JOHN DEERE8r
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Hey :) Mein Name ist Jared Ich bin 22 Jahre alt und lebe in Polen für 4 Jahre haben wir für landwirtschaftliche oder online kaufen Modelle aukciach wollte euch meine kleine Sammlung, die auf der Website verfügbar galerji ist wurden modelliert: http://forum.agromodele.pl / user/559-jarek-john-deere8r / oder auf meinem Profil :) vor etwa Bauernhof Spielzeug erfuhr ich von einem Freund, der in Deutschland lebt


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He tried to write in German, but even that is pretty sketchy ;) . Its basically an introduction of a polish model collector. He is talking something about buying online. But really not getting what he is talking about, even though I am fluent in German (its my mother tongue).

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