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Thriplow Farms Annual Report 2012


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I had been checking Thriplow's website every few days, even this morning, but seems the time has finally come. Was really looking forward to the new annual report but sadly they are not as interesting as in the old days. Still an interesting read and comparison though.


Sad to see this report is the first not being written by Oliver Walston himself. I presume by his son? On another note; if someone has a copy of his 35 Harvests book and wants to get rid of it, let me know!

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Funny this should be mentioned - I'm waiting on a copy of that book I bought on on-line for £12.00


Looked an interesting read... is it? I was just hoping for lots of Claas pictures as I know Thriplow use them. :D



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Oliver's son may not be as eloquent as his father but it is still good to see the tradition of the yearly report being kept up, Oliver's health may be a factor in his input after all, it was only last year he suffered a severe stroke.


I have a copy of his TV programme "Against the Grain" and, love him or hate him, he does provoke a lot of thought and discussion, personally I like him as he has the guts to stand up for what he believed in.

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Oliver's son may not be as eloquent as his father but it is still good to see the tradition of the yearly report being kept up, Oliver's health may be a factor in his input after all, it was only last year he suffered a severe stroke.


I have a copy of his TV programme "Against the Grain" and, love him or hate him, he does provoke a lot of thought and discussion, personally I like him as he has the guts to stand up for what he believed in.

agree with you robbo, oliver walston is a true character. does anyone remember that great character- love him or loathe him, mr hughie bachelor?

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