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Dingwall Academy Model Farm & Construction Show Saturday 16th March 2013


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All the gargain model bargains will have been snapped up by then John ;D  ;D  The weather is looking fine and clear here in Dyce for the run up to Inverness this afternoon.

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Too much happening in Dingwall tomorrow,that's the problem Bill.2 events I want to go to.

All the gargain model bargains will have been snapped up by then John ;D  ;D  The weather is looking fine and clear here in Dyce for the run up to Inverness this afternoon.

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Too much happening in Dingwall tomorrow,that's the problem Bill.2 events I want to go to.


I know the feeling John but at least your are killing two birds with the one stone 8)

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I'm settling into a a rather nice Premier Inn at Inverness near the golf course and is only 13 months old and just as good as some four star hotels I have stayed at. There is a beef eater next doors so I might have a stroll down there to see whats on the menu. It is good they do breakfasts from 7am at the weekends as well. 8)


Just to confirm the 8 oz sirloin steak and trimmings was excellent ;D  ;D

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Back on topic Paul ;D  ;D ...Dingwall was a brilliant show well supported and loads of money made for the school...well done to Callum, dad Mark, Mum Debbie and the school rector or head teacher as she modestly called herself Karen Cormack. Kearen was there from the start was serving teas and coffees, washing up and help to shift table at the end...certainly not scared to get torn in and help out. Looks like it could be an annual event and with the possibility of expanding 8)


Off topic again Paul but I think Andy told me he was using it in the next issue of Tractor Plant and Machinery which is due out at the end of March so you may need to subscribe to another magazine if you don't do so already ;D  ;D

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I was there from around 8 am to 6 pm and what a wonderful day it was..tine flew buy but it always does when you are enjoying yourself. Caught up with many old faces and some new including John from Orkney aka 8footmower. Thanks for introducing yourself and a bigger thank - you for the bags....the first for my collection from Orkney 8)


I was a bit short on the readies today so I had to make a dash to the bank for dosh after leaving a deposit to secure these two beauties...my third KV plough and a set which I have not seen before 9591 8)


Spent a fiver on the Tombola and got a bottle of Bell's "Help for Hero's" and an emergency services vehicle which is not for me so it will be another one to add to the Aberdeen show raffle.



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Just back home.An enjoyable day & well worth the hassles I had getting there.Well done to Callum & other organisers.Fantastic displays & good to meet in with other FTF'ers.A good show for my first mainland one.Good to meet you Bill & you're welcome for the bags.

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I'm playing to write a show report for Andy to use in either Model Farmer or Tractor Plant and machinery so I don't want to use too may of my 166 photos on her until the article is published but I will give you some photos from the show and some of the none core exhibits at the show including trains, boats and planes etc.


If passer by folk did not see this sign then time to go to Specsavers ;D  ;D




The local NH dealer also supplied a brand new T6.120 for the day .






Callum took great delight in getting mr green veins aka Brian Stewart to have his photo taken with a New Holland. Brain obliged on the proviso Callum got his photo taken with a Massey Ferguson...all a bit of a laugh and I look forward to seeing the photos Brian,



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