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Grampian Transport Museum 2013


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Today I decided to give my newly acquired second car well not new V Reg Corsa 1.2 a run and decided to go and visit the Grampian Transport Museum at Alford since I have not seen what new exhibits have been put on display for 2013.


First up some motor cycles




And look the Big Yin fae Candycraig 









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Always remember as a 10 / 11 year old getting a few runs in one of these with the 8 track stereo...same colour in fact






Another new exhibit for 2013








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My dad passed away 3 weeks ago tonight David. He has owned a Corsa 1.2 L from new on 1/09/1999 and has not really driven it for nearly two years now. It has 97k plus on the clock but I'm sure mum will have the original invoice and I'm sure there will be around 14 tax disc's on the windscreen. It has only done 236 miles since the last MOT in August last year until I took mum from Kemnay up to Alford and then a visit to our blacksmith friends at Millbank of Cluny then over the Learney hill to Torphins and Banchory and then Drumoak to do a spot of painting of a moved curtain rail in my living room and then back to Kemnay.


I was surprised how perky that little 1.2 is despite the miles but hell when hitting 70 mph she was roaring like fury in comparison to the A4. But hey hoy I have sentimental memories of dad's car and he hauled my MG2 to many shows over the years and well he enjoyed it. Many of his rally friends were at his funeral and those who were not have commented on what a great character he was on the rally field's over the past 30 years. It bring's a tear to my eyes and although we would fight with each other like cat and dog when working together ......but at the end end of the day when having a drink and a meal and at a rally we were the best of buddies. I'll miss him but I have many many good memories of the tractors we restored together and the shed's to store them we built .....RIP Ed or "Jocky" as I used to call him ;D  ;D

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Thanks Pete...but we me and the family are glad to see him at rest since he has had a tough time over the past year or two...but hey ho at 83 years old he has had a good working life and a long happy retirement ..... and well there are many folk who don't even live to enjoy their retirement.

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Sorry to hear about your dad Bill. My own Dad is 80 this year and everyone says how young looking he is. He still drives and will go for 3 hour trip to my brother the other side of the country,At the same time i can see him getting older and he has had a bad cough since Jan that just won't go away and sometimes you just wonder.Once again condolences and hopefully the  memories you have of the good times will help you through the inevitable hard times.F  

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Thanks Kenny and Shirley...I sure do. Dad and me came to Alford rallies before the tarmac circuit was made and the museum was tiny. Then once they got established they did not want the tractor boys back but hey ho their loss. Yes the Big Yin BC is hanging around.He can quite often be seen for real wandering about Ballatar which isn't far from where he stays at Candycraig Estate. Many a time me and or dad has roaded the Nuffield the 50 round mile trip from Peterculter and in all weathers....something I wold never dream of doing these days ;D  ;D

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I went to Speed Fest today after visiting the County Club silage working weekend but other than seeing Russ Swift in action this was really the only car I really liked and it was in the car park ;D  ;D






Some of Russ with his Mini's video's to follow if and when I can load to You Tube :unsure:  :angry:  :angry: 









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Yes James the seated area was fairly full so I thought where will most of the action be so I thought I will go in the middle standing area  opposite and my plan worked out...in fact I got covered with tarmac chippings and rubber :unsure:  :huh:  as well but hey ho such nice to see such a down to earth and talented driver who can put a car through it paces 8) 


Now I think I have mastered loading on to You Tube I will try and see if I can do that this evening since I think that may well work better than Photobucket....but opinions please...or for ever hold yer peace ;D  ;D 

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just seen this topic bill,its great,with great pertanance to me is the yamaha fs1e,affectionately known as the fizzy,i had the dx version,which was yellow with a front disc,great first bike


Circa 1976 / 1977  me thinks  :unsure: and what was the new price then Paul :huh: 

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Yes Paul....Bill not Bob here...I wanted a new one of these in circa 1976...the new price for a yellow one from Shirlaw's in Aberdeen was £ 238 and I had the money but not enough to insure it. My dad was never into bikes and did not want me to either so the next year he bought mt grand dad's 1957 Nuffield Universal DM4 for £ 150 from his late brother in laws...well today I'm glad he did since I think a £ 150 investment in a Nuffield will be worth thousand's more today than a "thrashed" yellow fizzy Yammy...which reminds me I think I have a friend who maybe have a couple of these thrashed ones in the corn loft of his old steading ;D  ;D

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