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orchard farm and contractors !

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11 hours ago, IAINH1973 said:

Krone sph look good together. In the process of putting a driver in my 580 also. Cab took a bit to pull apart!

Yeah ,look spot on ,yeah didn't think it was line up when I went to put it back together ,my opinion looks better with a driver rather than an empty cab 

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7 hours ago, tractorboyjules1977 said:

Yeah ,look spot on ,yeah didn't think it was line up when I went to put it back together ,my opinion looks better with a driver rather than an empty cab 

agree there Julian,if the model is in a working dio it has to have a driver

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First outing for the lorry this weekend loaded up with straw going down to turners at Dorchester , 2  loads booked in so far , straw price still holding around £60 - £65 a tonne at the minute for wheat straw at the minute . Just arriving in the yard our latest addition is our new slurrykat tanker , we had to go smaller than the fliegl  as some farms we just couldn't get into the yards so have gone down the road and purchased a slurrykat , matching it up with the rest of the slurry equipment . Hopefully we will have the same reliability as the RW we had last year .





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  • 3 weeks later...

Not much happening at the minute at Orchard HQ , Both tankers managing to get some water out from the AD Plant and over at the dairy , deciding to sacrifice a field of grass just so we can continue to transport water , until the weather and ground conditions improve . Getting ready for the spring with the first loads of fertaliser coming in 24 tonne of nitrogen & a part load of nitrogen & urea , with more due in later next week . With nothing really moving on the grounds so to speak we haven't had much movement on tractor demos as didn't really see the point just sticking a tractor on a trailer or tanker , hopefully look forward to some movement later in the month . with the weather being so changeable work starting to back up , 550 acres of ploughing booked in and 9 customers waiting for spreaders ,looking like a busy time at some point !  up at the dairy building work due to start this week on the new cubicle sheds so will be all hands to the pump to get the job underway !






Edited by tractorboyjules1977
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  • 2 weeks later...

At last some drier weather ,this meant for a brief Time we can get the plough hitched up and get on with turning over some stubble ground , at least on the higher parts of the farm .Today saw the young stock move up to the new dairy site ,we felt the step was necessary to improve for the future of the farm ,  a much needed upgrade meaning all our cows/heifers are now on 1dedicated site with up to date buildings ,the main cubicle shed is well under way so all is going according to plan , The final decision on the milking side of things looks like we will be going down the road of the Fullwood Merlin  robotic milker ,mainly because dealer benefits being reasonable local to the area & a good review from a neighbouring farm which employs 3 of these machines , so all systems go and something to look forward to 




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27 minutes ago, smithy said:

Very good buildings for livestock makes good sense having them all at one place as it will save time and money not having to run about  

Yeah very true smithy ,time is money after all !! The masons attic shed is spot on after a bit of tweaking aswell 

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12 hours ago, Paul Palmer said:

allways nice updates Julian,nice to follow your layout,what is the new plough then?

Thank you Paul ,we gotta amazone cayron 6furrow coming on demo when highwoods pull there finger out ,and also a Gregoire besson rwy8 6furrow  and a lemkin , just waiting on dealers to drop them out , with other 500 acres booked in were scratching around a bit at the minute ! 

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A good week of weather under our belt meant we could crack on with groundwork , so with 200 acres done of ploughing done means we're starting to catch up , the spreader gangs just returned back to the yard after a week's spreading for Oakley , time for a desiel refill and a clean off and back out on Monday morning up at Churchill's cleaning out there lagoon ,In the yard were now back up to full spreader capacity after the 2 Richard Western rear discharges had a full refurbishment and are now ready to go back to work , Also with the hedge trimming finished we decided to take her off and pack her in the shed releasing up another much needed tractor ! , hopefully some new arrivals in the pipeline next week ! 






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