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hawthornfarms grainstores

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Well it's been a very busy time lately.we have just 200 acres left to drill with maize,afther the early cut forage rye .the rye was finished last wk with good yeilds and quality.a big rush then to spread digestate  on the stumbles and ploughing in and cults before drilling maize .pre em went on the maize too,hopefully it will work as early it was so dry on our farms,but we have had over 20 Mm of rain lately so this will really help all our crops,it was getting  doubtful we would get a crop on our sand and Cotswold brash grd on maize and Spring barley ,our wheats and rape would be ok ish.our two sprayers have been very busy on fungicides on s barley ,pre emus on maize t 3 on w barley and t 2 on wheat.we have had a lot of windy days this spring and had done some long days into nights to keep up with the work load,thinking of a adding a 3rd sprayer for next seasons .the bowser and field tanker have helped in outputs and at times we have had one guy on field bowser and one at the mixing bowser to keep both sprayers going on one farm with both sprayers.pics of forage rye chopping and clamp team and spray team.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it's been a very busy few wks for the guys,all our maize is in ,and early cut forage rye done,1st cut silage was finished up on sailsbury plain early last wk .the guys had a few days off on the wet days lately.we started mowing for 2nd cut today down in Hampshire.we hope to do the t3 sprays on wheat this week if the wind drops a bit.all the guys will have a day at cereals this wk .the last of the wheat and Spring barley is set to go this month .we have started cleaning down grain stores to.jobs to do are muck out beef sheds ,cart seperated digestate.and dirty water from dairy units to holding tanks.get harvest kit ready to.and make some hay,have made 150 acres in the warm and windy spell a few wks ago.silage teams,more team,demo fendt 724',tedders off last pic.





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  • 4 weeks later...

The jag 980 is on whole crop wheat at the mo.we are using our jd 9560R with a holaras blade on the clamp to keep it busy.got a second case 9240 combine with 45 ft draper style header.we also have two 30ft headers for some of our customers ground as 45ft is just two big for the fields and access to them.we also have a second horsch 16tonne chaser bin .both combines will run together in winter and spring barley and rape but will split up for the wheat.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Demo case magnum row trac 340cvt on our cousins v former.foragers getting serviced between 2 Nd and third cut.a couple of wks few of silage now .guys are carting muck ,digestate and have started spreading muck ,digestate on barley grd .rained off wendesday .cut some 600 acres of rape so far.wk end off  for all the team.








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Thanks Paul..the row trac is a us edition.had to cut the rear axles back and take of the front extensions .got Mud guards from damage case optimum,wheels to ,cab off magnum 310. As us version has no wing mirrors .more pic tomorrow of some other kit.

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Well we cut some rape on. 24/25 /28 July,all nite on 3 nites and got 800 acres done.got about 900 left.guys have been injecting slurry on barley stubble and testing the case row trac on the top down on some steep grd,and  a few pics of cuttin winter barley a few weeks ago on some steep grd.





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