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Bale sledge - for anyone wanting to build one


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such a simple design!!! the one we uses (for the 1500 lttle bales thank god its only that few) has a middle gate so it drops 4 to the back then realease another 4 to make the 8 then you release them, means the next 4 can be being made so you can get rid of them in rows so you drive across the tramlines and dont have to keep turning

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That big blue one is an odd looking thing, any story with this Ben (Or anyone else seen one?) looks like a flat 12 or 16 to me.

dont know to be honest, just took these while Marky walked off past the tractors, not even sure if it got sold?

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cheers for those ben,has confirned the way it works for me,just need to get the springs to finish it of and paint her,

that bkue one looks a hell of a big version,is it really a flat 8? never heard of any bigger front loader attachments for small bales than flat 8's

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Not sure if you can by them factory made but J & M Bodman and Sons (which is no longer) made a flat 16 for there telehandlers. It had another carriage fitted to the top so when you went down the road you unhitched, drove back up to one side at 90deg and reattached it.

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That big blue one is an odd looking thing, any story with this Ben (Or anyone else seen one?) looks like a flat 12 or 16 to me.

Certainly looks to be 5 wide. Never seem one like that before either  :)

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There are a few people around this area who used to run or still do run flat 10 bale sledges/grabs. A lot of people now around here have gone over to mini hesstons or round now due to the easier handling compared to conventional bales  :)

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