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What really annoyed you today

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Just hearing from my Dad that I have got a rugby game this Sunday, (though I knew along), which is now going to take a lot of persuading! But I havn't quite given up yet, as I can play rugby any week.  >:( :'( :'(

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Just hearing from my Dad that I have got a rugby game this Sunday, (though I knew along), which is now going to take a lot of persuading! But I havn't quite given up yet, as I can play rugby any week.  >:( :'( :'(

Anyone got any good lines to drop into an argument for why he should drive me to Spalding?  :-\

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You could always threaten to put his windows in  :D :D :D :D Just Kidding

Probably better not.  :D Just really annoys me as I always do all the work at weekends and never ask for a wage, whilst everyone else is, so I ask for one thing since I missed last years one and still no!  >:(

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Anyone got any good lines to drop into an argument for why he should drive me to Spalding?  :-\

Try this...

Now you listen to me Father... and you listen good... SOme people my age are into hanging around on street corners... binge drinking... smoking crack cocaine... or worse  :o

Now my choice is to show a healthy interest in farmmodels... harmless as it is.. I feel you should be encouraging my hobby... you wouldn;t want me to turn into "one of those" ruffians now daddy would you (at this point... sweet smile).. Rugby is great dad... it helps get rid of my pent up agression.. but I also need the mental stimulatuion of my farm models to keep me on the straight and narrow..

Must be worth a try  :-\

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Try this...

Now you listen to me Father... and you listen good... SOme people my age are into hanging around on street corners... binge drinking... smoking crack cocaine... or worse  :o

Now my choice is to show a healthy interest in farmmodels... harmless as it is.. I feel you should be encouraging my hobby... you wouldn;t want me to turn into "one of those" ruffians now daddy would you (at this point... sweet smile).. Rugby is great dad... it helps get rid of my pent up agression.. but I also need the mental stimulatuion of my farm models to keep me on the straight and narrow..

Must be worth a try  :-\

Cheers, I could probably expand on that.  :)

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You could always break a leg..... :D :D

Well I could try and 'milk' my flu for a bit longer, though it will probably/hopefully have gone by then as I've had it since last Monday.  :-\

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Not today but this week rewiring a 7 bedroom house with 5 amp scokets buried in the floor dotted around the living room 83 downlights walls nearly a metre thick ,underfloor eletric heating in 5 rooms took an a bloke this week to help money no object just one woman living on her own who has just spent ?12000+vat on a shower  :o :o

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School disco ... which i can pretty much in advance tell you i'll be annoyed. Last two discos i've been dumped by the same girl in the same minute ... the first  >:( >:( Then we've got the prats in my year who wear those stupid just do it bags who think they're pimps who are going to walk around looking Dr Dre all night trying to pick a fight .... then i'll probably be suspended for lamping a few  >:( Then you've got there 'beatches' all pretending to be drunk falling all over the place having 'bre jwkz'. If i make it through the night without being stabbed, puked over or suspended i will be surpised.  :D

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School disco ... which i can pretty much in advance tell you i'll be annoyed. Last two discos i've been dumped by the same girl in the same minute ... the first  >:( >:( Then we've got the prats in my year who wear those stupid just do it bags who think they're pimps who are going to walk around looking Dr Dre all night trying to pick a fight .... then i'll probably be suspended for lamping a few  >:( Then you've got there 'beatches' all pretending to be drunk falling all over the place having 'bre jwkz'. If i make it through the night without being stabbed, puked over or suspended i will be surpised.  :D

And at a grammer school!  :o::):D

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