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What really annoyed you today

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Some chuffin' idiot on the M25 this morning. Must be silly season.

  I was coming down Reigate Hill this morning with my tanker, where the slip road lane tapers off to end. Obviously this twerp had decided that no matter what, he had the right of way in spite of the fact that my lane was unbroken. I was suddenly aware of a car undertaking me on the nearside; problem was that his lane had disappeared and he completed his manoeuvre  using the hard shoulder. I was doing the best part of sixty, so I reckon he was doing about seventy.  :o

    Why the hell couldn't he have just eased off the accelerator for a second and overtaken me safely? I wasn't even aware he was there, as I had no reason to expect anyone to be on my nearside at all. I just wish plod had been there to see him. What made it worse was that he wasn't a young driver either! What is the matter with people?  >:(

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Well i was carting maize silage  but then got called to help round up some bullocks that got out   40 got out  we only found 8 of them so 32 are still missing somewhere in about 800 acres of maize then it started to rain so we had to give up looking for them  they are going to be anywhere by now

I'm glad that it isn't just our bullocks/cows/calves that don't know what fences are for ::)

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spending half an hour doing pre start checks on my machine before i put it on line (in wales) then haveing to wait another 1/2 hour for the block left her running to warm up hyd fluid

to find her at 1am alight (on fire)  :-[

new machine on the way  ::)

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Put it this way Mark there would of been a lot of tears escpically as they nearly had the 1/16 precision's cabinet nearly open  :'( :'( :'( :o :o :o i reckon that bitter twisted MM leader may well have put them upto it  >:( >:(>:(;D ;D there young but they will learn trouble is there's more little one's coming up through all the time lately plus my little nephew need to get a educating stick i think  :-\ :-\ ::)

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some cockney layabout whos just moved down here, wanting a absolutly silent line when he lives 6 mile sout into the middel of no where, with farms arround him, the leccy fences are inducing and hes not happy, despite the fact theres nothing wrong with his line hes insisting theres a 1khz wave on his line with ?? sprectrum test and ??? other fault, when we asked why he had tested back against the exchange therefore possiblly effecting the equipment he denided all knowledge and told us thats what the last gu ysaid??? we aint got kit like that so how the hell would he know, hes now going to write to the local area manager asking that bt go arroun d and shut down all leccy fences in the area, so his line can be quiet, and also wants a refund if they cant do that, hes gonna get a shock when he trys for braod band that far out will be lucky if he can get 1 meg let alone the 10 meg he recons he was getting in london on his cable tv setup :D :D :D :D

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Erm, Sean? I don't know how you do it mate. I got out of breath just reading that, where are the full stops?!!! :D :D :D

I'm going to have to send you to Mr Holmes office and start marking your work with Ford Blue pen young man. . . :o;)

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Well i was carting maize silage  but then got called to help round up some bullocks that got out   40 got out  we only found 8 of them so 32 are still missing somewhere in about 800 acres of maize then it started to rain so we had to give up looking for them  they are going to be anywhere by now

have you found them now
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got  28 on sun evening mate and the boss got 2 yesterday morn

so  right now we only have 2 loose so pretty good ehh the 28 were 1 1/2 miles away from there field

not bad too being the only  one of us workers that would come out and help the boss i got a pay raise ha ha! ;) ;)

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No the field  of maize got rain on sat 5 inches of rain fell on it and we just ahd another 1.25 inches  an hr ago so no chopping for a week now i bet 

We have some round bales in the next field to the maize and in the low spot theres only about 1 ft of a round bale sticking out of the water  and thats a 72'' bale

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Erm, Sean? I don't know how you do it mate. I got out of breath just reading that, where are the full stops?!!! :D :D :D

I'm going to have to send you to Mr Holmes office and start marking your work with Ford Blue pen young man. . . :o;)

red pen ,red pen, don't you dare swear blue at me trissel  :D :D :D

as you can prob tell, he anoyed the hell out of all 3 of us today with his attitude, andy who i work with very nearly told him to sod of back to london at one point as he tired to tell him the tester we have was wrong

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going to the new forest to pick up an ex employess van to find it not there and haveing to spend 2hrs driving around looking four it

found it after a few calls a few miles away from the address given with a very warm engine  ::) ::)

up side nice drive out :-*

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Was driving the 3095 and Marshall up the Dual Carriageway carting dung, indicated right saw a Fiat Punto in the distance but I had plenty room to pull over safely so came over into the right hand lane and watched this Punto fly up my rear and then into the left hand lane drive past, toot and give me the finger...... >:( No need for it at all if they had paid attention and planned ahead they could have been back into the left hand lane ages back......

I think some people just pay no attention when their driving........Was then cheered up later by a good lad in a Peugeot who actually pulled over to let me out......

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