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What really annoyed you today

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Thanks Marky  -  I was so cross that today I didn't even make time for a Bombay Bad Boy.

Tried one yet?

Well Susan  :-[ er..... erm.... it's like this....  :-[

Actually no.... I have not plucked up the courage YET  :-[ - but trust me I am working on it... my personal coach reckons I'll be ready to walk into the shop.... pick it off the shelf and walk straight up to the cashier.... and....  :-[ - No I can't go through with it  :o :o :o :'(

I guess I am just a chicken (& mushroom)  :-[

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Well Susan  :-[ er..... erm.... it's like this....  :-[

Actually no.... I have not plucked up the courage YET  :-[ - but trust me I am working on it... my personal coach reckons I'll be ready to walk into the shop.... pick it off the shelf and walk straight up to the cashier.... and....  :-[ - No I can't go through with it  :o :o :o :'(

I guess I am just a chicken (& mushroom)  :-[

Oh come on - It's not that bad.. How about trying one WITHOUT the sauce.  Go on - go for it - you cannot go through life being a chicken (& mushroom).  ;D  ::)  Be brave and adventurous.

Now go off to the shop.

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Oh no Scott... thats not good mate.. be more gentle with her.... she's an old lady nowadays  :-\

I wouldn't mind if it was me that did it but i'm the poor sod who has to fix it         Turns out to be a common occurance on them :P

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I wouldn't mind if it was me that did it but i'm the poor sod who has to fix it         Turns out to be a common occurance on them :P

I have heard of that before Scott... I must say  :-[ - When they get "tight" it puts a lot of leverage on the shaft doesn't it  :-\
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Re: What really annoyed you today???

the glazing salesman, even though we knew what we wanted he still took over 4 hours >:( >:(>:(

and still only walked away with what you first asked for as a slae to eh, what did he try to sell you then?? conservatory, super duper tripple galzed windows ect

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well if had made him a cup of tea when he first came in he wouldn't have stayed so long :D;D:D

Grrrrrrrrrr...............don't talk to me about double glazing sales people. I asked one to quote us for some windows identical to the house down the road from my house. Couldn't do that, offered me twelve months credit,as long as I gave them the order immediately, wouldn't quote me unless I was prepared to order. The schoolkid they sent round at first claimed to be the area manager and told me to quote his name and we would qualify for a 50 % discount. We were then visited by another a***hole who was very obstructive about what we wanted and wouldn't quote me anything unless my wife was there too, so in the end I told him and his company that I spent six years selling for a living and knew what their game was . I lost my temper with them and told them to far cough. Then they had the cheek to send another one of their area managers round to us a couple of months later.

    We have a Davis and Tate window showroom in Uckfield, and I'd rather pay a bit more from them and get what I want and have somewhere I can go back to if I'm not happy.

    Double glazing salesmen..................I sh*t them.  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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Grrrrrrrrrr...............don't talk to me about double glazing sales people. I asked one to quote us for some windows identical to the house down the road from my house. Couldn't do that, offered me twelve months credit,as long as I gave them the order immediately, wouldn't quote me unless I was prepared to order. The schoolkid they sent round at first claimed to be the area manager and told me to quote his name and we would qualify for a 50 % discount. We were then visited by another a***hole who was very obstructive about what we wanted and wouldn't quote me anything unless my wife was there too, so in the end I told him and his company that I spent six years selling for a living and knew what their game was . I lost my temper with them and told them to far cough. Then they had the cheek to send another one of their area managers round to us a couple of months later.

     We have a Davis and Tate window showroom in Uckfield, and I'd rather pay a bit more from them and get what I want and have somewhere I can go back to if I'm not happy.

    Double glazing salesmen..................I sh*t them.  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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yesterday for me, those horrible things called caravans, why the hell cant we have a rule that says they shouldnt be on the road till after 6pm and off again by 6am, the dam drivers cant drive for **** got stuck in an almighty jam yesterday because one wouldnt go any where near the bank on the road to dartmouth, instead forcing a tractor and bale trailer(empty fortunatly for the driver) to reverse against the traffic he had behind him, he was not impressed, to say the least,the caravan guy only had to use some of the 4ft he had between him and the bank and the tractor would have breezed past , seen two artics get through the same space in the past ok, caravaners of the world, blow up thats all i can say, top gear dont destroy enough of ya in my eyes,dam hemmits >:( >:(>:(:D :D :D :D

you should all be made to take a proper driving test to use those things,like lorry drivers and tractor drivers  ,would stop 99% of the things then, most of ya couldnt pass on a race track could ya

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yesterday for me, those horrible things called caravans, why the hell cant we have a rule that says they shouldnt be on the road till after 6pm and off again by 6am, the dam drivers cant drive for **** got stuck in an almighty jam yesterday because one wouldnt go any where near the bank on the road to dartmouth, instead forcing a tractor and bale trailer(empty fortunatly for the driver) to reverse against the traffic he had behind him, he was not impressed, to say the least,the caravan guy only had to use some of the 4ft he had between him and the bank and the tractor would have breezed past , seen two artics get through the same space in the past ok, caravaners of the world, blow up thats all i can say, top gear dont destroy enough of ya in my eyes,dam hemmits >:( >:(>:(:D :D :D :D

you should all be made to take a proper driving test to use those things,like lorry drivers and tractor drivers  ,would stop 99% of the things then, most of ya couldnt pass on a race track could ya

Here here.  I may be a lady driver but I do a fair number of miles and I hate the caravan towers who will not abide by the rule of 5 and drive on and on for miles with 20-50 cars trailing behind instead of pulling over into a layby and letting the rest of us pass. 

However I think 6pm may be a bit too early for the start and 6 am a little late for the stop.

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