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What really annoyed you today

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actually i didnt!!, dont know how keeps changing yours but looking into it!

Yes please Mr Holmes... Oooo it makes me sooooooo cross  >:(:D :D :D

Actually... I quite like it... change is as good as a rest and all that.... I suspect I know which stone to turn over to find the guilty culprits anyway  ;):D :D :D

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he's like marmite "you either love him or hate him"  :D

Hmm not sure that is the right simile -  I absolutely LOOOOVE  Marmite but not sure about Marky....   .... Yet.  He still has to prove himself with a Bombay Bad Boy with the full sachet of chilli sauce....   ;D   Not to mention behaving himself at Toytrac

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Hmm not sure that is the right simile -  I absolutely LOOOOVE  Marmite but not sure about Marky....   .... Yet.  He still has to prove himself with a Bombay Bad Boy with the full sachet of chilli sauce....   ;D   Not to mention behaving himself at Toytrac

Now Susan... you are making demands on me that I feel I just can't meet.... behave a Toytrac... well I will do my LEVEL BEST.... try a badboy... well... I am STILL mustering the courage required when you are a badboy virgin... as for a WHOLE sachet of chilli sauce.... nar... I'm out  :-[ :'( :D :D
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Hav'nt posted much in this topic before as I am sooooo cool that there is not much that does really annoy me but today I must make the exception.  Went down to the local garage 2 miles away to pick up the Land Rover Disco after having a few repairs carried out. They put it on their parking bit right on the main road last evening and did not lock it up properly. Sometime overnight lastnight some light fingered little sh*t, sorry, person got in it and emptied the contents of the cubby box, not that there was anything of great value in it, the most valuable, in replacement terms were 8 CD's. Anyway, the garage owner said that if I gave him a list of what was taken together with the cost of replacement, he would sort it out for me. It's going to cost him nearly as much as the bill for repairs. I just hope he's insured.

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Hav'nt posted much in this topic before as I am sooooo cool that there is not much that does really annoy me but today I must make the exception.   Went down to the local garage 2 miles away to pick up the Land Rover Disco after having a few repairs carried out. They put it on their parking bit right on the main road last evening and did not lock it up properly. Sometime overnight lastnight some light fingered little sh*t, sorry, person got in it and emptied the contents of the cubby box, not that there was anything of great value in it, the most valuable, in replacement terms were 8 CD's. Anyway, the garage owner said that if I gave him a list of what was taken together with the cost of replacement, he would sort it out for me. It's going to cost him nearly as much as the bill for repairs. I just hope he's insured.

Such a shame your rolex went missing as well hey Tim  ;):D
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No Marky, never had a Rolex, not even a fake one. I mostly rely on Tim-time but the sun was not out today so it has been mostly guess-work. My stomach usually lets me know when it's grub time, thats the most inportant time.  ;)

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Now Susan... you are making demands on me that I feel I just can't meet.... behave a Toytrac... well I will do my LEVEL BEST.... try a badboy... well... I am STILL mustering the courage required when you are a badboy virgin... as for a WHOLE sachet of chilli sauce.... nar... I'm out  :-[ :'( :D :D

Are you Man or Mouse

Answer "Squeak" if the latter.

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