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What really annoyed you today

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Are you Man or Mouse

Answer "Squeak" if the latter.

Reminds me of a mate that was getting married a few years ago. On his wedding day, his best man said to him, "You going to be a man and 'ave 'er tonight, or a mouse and 'ave 'er tomorrow night?"  "No" he said, "I was a rat and 'ad 'er lastnight"  ;)

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I must of been totally nuts to buy three different places to live.....My wife is driving me nuts with decor and design issues and three of every flippin thing.......I can't even find my bleedin boxers >:( >:(>:( >:(

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I must of been totally nuts to buy three different places to live.....My wife is driving me nuts with decor and design issues and three of every flippin thing.......I can't even find my bleedin boxers >:( >:(>:( >:(

oh deer ,i guess you will have to go comando mate, i bet ya that they are now your new bedroom curtains

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I must of been totally nuts to buy three different places to live.....My wife is driving me nuts with decor and design issues and three of every flippin thing.......I can't even find my bleedin boxers >:( >:(>:( >:(

Ergh... does that mean you are posting with no pants on Pops  :o:-[:o
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Jason i cant believe you still have that pic :D :D :D :D ::)

Re: What really annoyed you today???

having to go to work....want to go back to bed! :D :D

Well you can't.... I'm in it  ;D

And I am NOT spending the day in the wardrobe like the last time you came home unexpectedly  :-[

DOH... though you knew I was in there  :-[

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Well you can't.... I'm in it  ;D

And I am NOT spending the day in the wardrobe like the last time you came home unexpectedly  :-[

DOH... though you knew I was in there  :-[

Last time you hid in his wardrobe he was off fiddling with your Fanny! :D :D :D

Please delete if this is too near the Marky! :D

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Last time you hid in his wardrobe he was off fiddling with your Fanny! :D :D :D

Please delete if this is too near the Marky! :D

oh deere :D :D :D :D

well that Massey set kept you quiet!, if you want to play with it just ask! :D :D :D

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What annoyed me today...

I was off to see birthday boy... and I'm at home with a poorly child  >:( - Darn it... blow.... cripes.... Golly... gee whiz..... and other rude words  >:(

Aaaaw bless... another day darling :-*:-* :-*:-*

PS Hope poorly child gets better soon.

PPS Have you been researching my repetoire of posh rudey words :D

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What annoyed me today...

I was off to see birthday boy... and I'm at home with a poorly child  >:( - Darn it... blow.... cripes.... Golly... gee whiz..... and other rude words  >:(

Oh Fanny must of got some lint on her...poor baby.. :'( :'( :'(

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