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What really annoyed you today

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just got stuck in a huge traffic jam, so i am now sat in the exchange on the side of the main road,logged on wating for it to start movign again, looking out the door now, the van that was infront of me is still in the sam position as when i pulled in 20 mins ago, looks like the roads closed and i am stuck for a while now

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just got stuck in a huge traffic jam, so i am now sat in the exchange on the side of the main road,logged on wating for it to start movign again, looking out the door now, the van that was infront of me is still in the sam position as when i pulled in 20 mins ago, looks like the roads closed and i am stuck for a while now

were are you

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blew out piston ring on my bike last weekend, brought it into town today to be told piston ring would have to be sent to England to be rebored cos theres no one in Ireland can bore into nikel plated ones (could have been brass i forget exactly) that these bikes have. and it would cost minimum of ?500, alternative is to get new ones which would be dearer again. wouldnt mind so much but only bought it in july  >:(

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installed my new microsoft office enterprise 2007 tonight, and its put a new version of outlook on, it claims to have bought all my contacts over in the instalation, but its gone and wipped the lot, and all my ruel settings for messages the lot, hasn't even bouhgt the messages i had over >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( lost all my paypal reciptes the lot, got the old version to work after some time, and they have gone from there, ,and aint in the new version >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

anyone got any ideas?

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Hardly any sleep again, up at 5am for work. Drove all the way to Chippenham coughing, sneezing and sniffing and realised that driving an artic across the next 12hours wouldn't be the brightest thing to do. Back home in bed now. May get the Scaloox out later though.

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installed my new microsoft office enterprise 2007 tonight, and its put a new version of outlook on, it claims to have bought all my contacts over in the instalation, but its gone and wipped the lot, and all my ruel settings for messages the lot, hasn't even bouhgt the messages i had over >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( lost all my paypal reciptes the lot, got the old version to work after some time, and they have gone from there, ,and aint in the new version >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

anyone got any ideas?

I have to say upgrading MS office in the past has never lost anything for me but I have not upgraded to 2007 (don't like it).

Have you used AutoArchive?  If so you may still have the emails. 

All I can suggest is that first you search for .pst files.  These are the files that Outlook stores data in.  If you can find some that are of a reasonable size you may be able to use File/Import Export/import from another program File/.  If you cannot find files containing data then if you have a backup that includes your mail you could try restoring the .pst files

No guarantee but it is worth a try. 

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I have to say upgrading MS office in the past has never lost anything for me but I have not upgraded to 2007 (don't like it).

Have you used AutoArchive?  If so you may still have the emails. 

All I can suggest is that first you search for .pst files.  These are the files that Outlook stores data in.  If you can find some that are of a reasonable size you may be able to use File/Import Export/import from another program File/.  If you cannot find files containing data then if you have a backup that includes your mail you could try restoring the .pst files

No guarantee but it is worth a try. 

will try that,thanks for the tips, got the old version of outlook back running nlast night after tinkering, and they have all gone from there to????? lost in cyberspace i recon

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An idiot cyclist who undertook me at a roundabout as I pulled away and "straightened" the roundabout by cutting in front of me.  Fortunately no one was on the outside so I was able to avoid him

Cut up by a cyclist -whatever next!

What did you do that for?!!  :D :D :D :D

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yesterday spent all day watching someone drill a hole in a concrete base.... ::)...very 'boring' ;):D :D

got there for at 8.50 for 9.30 start thinking they may be early :-\, geotech guys got there at 9.30, drillers at 10.....they unpacked.....they had no water so couldnt drill, expecting me to know where to get some from (they should have carried big drums of water on board, dont know what they would have done on some of our sites!).....90mins later they come back with some, then they set up only to find parts are missing...eventually after some improvising they start at 12.15...nearly 3 hours late.....and i needed to leave site at 3!, was told it could take an hour or more......after drill needs sharping a few times and them having to keep getting water they finaly get to 1.2m at 3.30 >:( >:(>:(....no time for a borehole to be done, which can take another 90mins plus!

was not happy, spending all day on site in the cold with these numpties >:( >:(. me and the 2 geotech guys can only stand around. Made a complaint that probably wont get looked at but means i have to go back again, wasting my time and then theres the cost! for the soil samples to be done as we ran out of time....got home driving through London by 5.30 then had to go out at 6....which is why i wanted to leave at 3!

sorry for spelling mistakes! :D :D :D

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yesterday spent all day watching someone drill a hole in a concrete base.... ::)...very 'boring' ;):D :D

got there for at 8.50 for 9.30 start thinking they may be early :-\, geotech guys got there at 9.30, drillers at 10.....they unpacked.....they had no water so couldnt drill, expecting me to know where to get some from (they should have carried big drums of water on board, dont know what they would have done on some of our sites!).....90mins later they come back with some, then they set up only to find parts are missing...eventually after some improvising they start at 12.15...nearly 3 hours late.....and i needed to leave site at 3!, was told it could take an hour or more......after drill needs sharping a few times and them having to keep getting water they finaly get to 1.2m at 3.30 >:( >:(>:(....no time for a borehole to be done, which can take another 90mins plus!

was not happy, spending all day on site in the cold with these numpties >:( >:(. me and the 2 geotech guys can only stand around. Made a complaint that probably wont get looked at but means i have to go back again, wasting my time and then theres the cost! for the soil samples to be done as we ran out of time....got home driving through London by 5.30 then had to go out at 6....which is why i wanted to leave at 3!

sorry for spelling mistakes! :D :D :D

Sounds like you had a really bad hair day and I thought I was having problems waiting for accountants and I charged for my waiting time.

Give'm hell!

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Coming back home last night about 2am from a mates, I slid on some leaves in the car and planted it in the hedge, I got a puncture and curbed my alloy  :-[

Suprisingly I didn't roll it over as the puncture I got was on the side that didn't go in the hedge, it was touching the road because I was up the hedge at such an angle.

Could of been worse I suppose, I have another brand new set of wheels to go on it, that I was going to sell, they can go on until I get the other one refurbed.

The busy life of Luke  :-\

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