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What really annoyed you today

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Me too Tris... all I ever seem to do is work (and party a bit :-[)... Holly Farm hasn't been touched yet (apart from the fantastic stuff that Mark has done)... don't know how it's gonna be ready for Toytrac :'(

quit the partying mandy and get building, new fella or not ftf needs you at toytrac :D :D

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Cutting half my knuckle of on a bit of rusty metal trying to undo a bolt just took the insulation tape (plasters are for girls and Marky ) and think i better go and have a stitch put in it and a tenuous injection left hand so i'm not to brothered  ;) ;) ::) ::)::):D :D :D

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Cutting half my knuckle of on a bit of rusty metal trying to undo a bolt just took the insulation tape (plasters are for girls and Marky ) and think i better go and have a stitch put in it and a tenuous injection left hand so i'm not to brothered  ;) ;) ::) ::)::):D :D :D

Ha the hospital will love you wehen you stroll in with your hand wrapped in insulation tape.

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Cutting half my knuckle of on a bit of rusty metal trying to undo a bolt just took the insulation tape (plasters are for girls and Marky ) and think i better go and have a stitch put in it and a tenuous injection left hand so i'm not to brothered  ;) ;) ::) ::)::):D :D :D

very true plasters are for wimps, although we do tend to use a bit of blue towleing under our tape just to stop the drips more than anything :D :D

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Really mad now just went upto the poxy hopstipal in shipton smellet at 8.01 pm and told me that there closed at 8.00 and we've still got one preson waiting and that i should drive to frome or come back in the morning  :D :D :D::) ::)

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very true plasters are for wimps, although we do tend to use a bit of blue towleing under our tape just to stop the drips more than anything :D :D

I risk being called a wimp here guys, but you really shouldn't use insulation tape on cuts as the sticky stuff can give you blood poisoning, and you really don't want that.

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Having problems with my digitial TV reception.  All working fine until around 14th July when I started losing the program I was watching at around 7.00 pm.  I could not watch the Tour de France final days although I had been watching all the rest.

Retuning at different times of the day I got 6  or 18 or 55 (still not the channels I want).  Yesterday evening at 6 pm I was down to 6 viewable channels - not the ones I wanted.  at 6:15 pm I got all 89 freeview channels AND THEY ALL WORKED!

I had already reported it to Ofcom who told me yesterday that digital signal in my area was poor and likely to deteriorate when analogue is switched off!  I was not impressed.  He also decided that was the problem.  However we have already had one definite and a possible second case of illegal transmitters/wireless networks in this village which previously caused disruption. My TV system info reports I have a full signal it is just that something is interferring with the transmissions

This morning all working - every single channel until 6:15am when I was watching the sailingvia BBCi and lo and behold pixelating screen and then blank  - "program is not tuned"  - ditto my favourite channels


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Sue thats ridiculous! What a carry on, having had the problem before you would think Mr Ofcom may have heard you out. Were the other transmitters visible, maybe it is something you could photograph and send via Email?

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sounds like a pain in the ass!, i guess it has to be something strong, doubt it would be normal wireless stuff??.....i think you should keep going on at them, keeping a record of time and dates, there will be a clear pattern!

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While i was at my nannas yesterday her freind came around who had just been to the european parliaments. They sat in a discussion and can anyone guess what they were discussing????

Wether to make all window wipers standard  ??? I mean what the f*k is going on in this planet.

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While i was at my nannas yesterday her freind came around who had just been to the european parliaments. They sat in a discussion and can anyone guess what they were discussing????

Wether to make all window wipers standard  ??? I mean what the f*k is going on in this planet.

Mine on my golf V5 (front) are different to that on my previous golf, they slide over a small pin rather than clip on......easy to change, can she make them standard :D :D :D

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While i was at my nannas yesterday her freind came around who had just been to the european parliaments. They sat in a discussion and can anyone guess what they were discussing????

Wether to make all window wipers standard  ??? I mean what the f*k is going on in this planet.

sounds about right for them, did you also  know that from 2011 or somewhere round that date we will all have to drive with our headlights on no matter what time of the day, yet another euro law being imposed on us

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Sue thats ridiculous! What a carry on, having had the problem before you would think Mr Ofcom may have heard you out. Were the other transmitters visible, maybe it is something you could photograph and send via Email?

Engineer called today (Telephone) as he is in BRISTOL.  He was rather more sympathetic and actually listened to what I had to say. 

Well last night at 6:00 I only had 6 channels but three minutes later tuned 89 (more like it) and what is more they all worked.  This morning some were "program not tuned" or "program not avaiable" but now they are all available and working.  Now someone tell me if they think there is something NOT interfering with my signal.

The Engineer (Ofcom's one and only it seems) is going on holiday for a fortnight so I told him to hold his visit while I compile a "have/have not" time schedule.  Bearing in mind I do not spend all day watching (or trying to watch) the TV.  Goodness knows I have other things to do but I AM a Trekkie and LOVE Voyager which is currently on Virgin 1 and so far I have seen part of 2 episodes only.

I will have a look at these.  Thanks!

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I risk being called a wimp here guys, but you really shouldn't use insulation tape on cuts as the sticky stuff can give you blood poisoning, and you really don't want that.

ah see thats where us tele engineers and sparkeys differ, we use the nogging by putting the blue towelling under it stops that risk, well the poisioning part anyway, as for circulation, nothings gone white and fallen of yet

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