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What really annoyed you today

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some lady ploughing into our cones today totally ignored the signs ect out and went throguh thew red light on the temp traffic lights, had to swerve into our saftey zone to miss the cars coming the other way, the t light guy had a right go at her to which she called the old bill, acussing us of abusing her verbally, should have seen her face when they backed us for the light jump, as did a guy who whitnessed it from his window of the house opposite, and she was given a ticket for driving without due care and attention :D :D :D

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Re: What REALLY really annoyed you today???

today in geography we started our new gcse topic which is the one ive been looking forward to all year, agriculture!! well the teacher started off by telling the class, sorry about this topic and sorry its quite boring and really made it sound like a really boring topic. plus her and most of the class had to put on country accents the whole period! and all the people in my class know i work on a farm and boy did it get at me! all that stuff i could handle alrite, but when this lets say 'feminine boy' out of my class who hates me and i hate him, says in the middle of class loud enough so i can hear, 'who would ever want to work on a farm?' and he said something else about it. i was ready giving him a hidin :D but as this all happened i was just thinking, they're probably just jealous they wont get as good a life experience as i will ;)

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Re: What REALLY really annoyed you today???

today in geography we started our new gcse topic which is the one ive been looking forward to all year, agriculture!! well the teacher started off by telling the class, sorry about this topic and sorry its quite boring and really made it sound like a really boring topic. plus her and most of the class had to put on country accents the whole period! and all the people in my class know i work on a farm and boy did it get at me! all that stuff i could handle alrite, but when this lets say 'feminine boy' out of my class who hates me and i hate him, says in the middle of class loud enough so i can hear, 'who would ever want to work on a farm?' and he said something else about it. i was ready giving him a hidin :D but as this all happened i was just thinking, they're probably just jealous they wont get as good a life experience as i will ;)

they wouldnt be laughing if there wasnt any farmers left would they  :D :D

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i know what you mean matty our teacher did not finish our farming topic  >:( because it was 'boring' curse him i get a load of greef at school for working on a farm but i tell you now i would rather be working than sitting in the house the hole night  :-\

will never forgive the teacher for cutting the topic short >:(:D

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Thats nothing lads, when I done GCSE Geography my teacher tried to tell me and the other farming lads that spring cereals were harvested in the spring and winter cereals in winter as thats what the text book said was right ::) ::)

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Thats nothing lads, when I done GCSE Geography my teacher tried to tell me and the other farming lads that spring cereals were harvested in the spring and winter cereals in winter as thats what the text book said was right ::) ::)

hahah my one tried telling me that you cant grow oil seed rape up in this part of scotland i said look out the window whats that then and she said its yellow because the field has been left for a year so the yellow is just weeds  ??? ??? ???

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The STEPMUM >:( >:(

My dad fell down the stairs last night. Bounced from the top step all the way down apparently. So he is now in hospital. She doesnt ring anyone but my sister. Not even my nanna who is now pretty worried as he has possibly fractured his skull. So my nanna gets the news of my sister. So she rings my stepmum to find out properly whats happened. Well my step brother answers and shes in bed resting. Jesus christ!!! Resting my dad almost killed himself and shes at home resting while hes in hospital. Anyone would think it was her that got hurt. Needless to say this is the final straw. There will be a few lot of choice words said next time i see her! >:( >:(>:(

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The contact I was given to chase up an unpaid invoice is not replying to my emails. If I hear nothing by lunchtime on Monday it will be a sh1tty phonecall coming their way followed my a Court Order. Had it up to here with the company who make millions and can't settle a bill of £1300. >:( >:(>:( >:(

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Kris, i'm sorry to hear that I hope your dad has a speedy recovery.

What annoyed me today is yet another delay on my new laptop so it will not ship until december 2nd. I am really starting to dislike Dell.  >:( >:(

Thanks luke. Dont get me started on dell. My grandma sent her laptop back to get sorted they sent it back when she was on holiday so the delevery man left it next door. She was on the phone to them for over an hour when she got back and they still wouldnt say were it was. Al they had to do was say  it had been sent.

Another thing now. My dads been in hospital since 1 this morning he was prepped for thetre at 9 this morning and is still waiting to be seen.

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