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What really annoyed you today

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Well maybe later me bum still sore from the spanking I got from Sean ;)

Why did he abuse you in this way? Did you deserve it?

Probably, but we would not want him to know that.... ;) ;)  that insufferable old curry breath ;D

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Not annoyed exactly but gave me an awful shock.  Looked out of the office window to see billowing smoke.  Immediate reaction was "my utility room is on fire"

What a relief when I stood up and looked out and saw the branches of my yew tree shaking like mad (pigeons courting) and huge drifts of pollen cascading.    Whew - it does look like smoke

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Luke do you want me to come up and drop the lot of them  ;) ;) ;)

now Simon, you know violence doesnt solve anything!, its just a quick answer!!! ;) ;)

Luke, take the advice above Simons :D :D, especially Ricks, there are teachers there that will help you, they have to, its their job, they are not against you, trust me!, just ask some of them, and if the Head doesnt do anything, then you need to go higher up!

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Worked all day and evening yesterday... went to an 18th Birthday Party afterwards... and even though I told the whole world that I would be awake before lunchtime (this is the only Sunday I don't work in a month just in case you think I'm being lazy :-\)... the doorbell has rung 5 times since 10am >:(  Can a girl not get any peace ::)

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Forgot... someone get me a soapbox ......something else that really annoyed me. I bought a farm model from an eBayer last week and it hasn't arrive after 7 days. Not a huge problem if the the non-arrival is dealt with efficiently, politely and with an apology - I'm an extremely patient and understanding person. Well none of those things were forthcoming. The Seller hasn't apologised once, everything has to be dealt with 'tommorow' and then the RM are blamed and apparently I have to wait 14 days to see if it turns up. The Seller seems to think his 'huge throughput' excuses lack of an apology and shoddy service - would like to see Amazon or one of the other really big online firms try that one.

Grief... I'm a customer... I'm giving you money... what is the problem! If any of my customers don't recieve an item within the agreed time periond... firstly they get a BIG apology, secondly they get either a replacement or refund whichever they prefer.. and thirdly it's MY PROBLEM not theirs... I can always get a refund via RM if it doesn't arrive or they can send it back if it does.

Right... soapbox put away.

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Soapbox is ready and available, Mandy. All cleaned up after my last use (tomatoes make such a mess when thrown with force).

I agree with you though.  An apology doesn't make things right but it does make you feel better. 

I bought some bits off ebay and when they arrived I had one cow with three legs and the missing leg was not in the packaging.  Checked the photo and all legs present on everything.  I did make a complaint - had a prompt refund and on buying something else from the same guy a short while later he put a 50p coin in the box as an added sweetener. I was more than happy!

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Serviced the mower this morning and it started first time (suspicious  :)) got about 200m and the drive belt snapped - same as Mikers.  :(

Yesterday same thing Happened to me, although it was the deck belt that snapped after doing half the lawn :D::) ::)::):)

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go to go in to the office tommorw for a telling off(well state my case) i hit a footbridge at the weekend with the digger and knocked the check valve off (oil every where) banksman not doing his job as he was on the phone  >:( >:(

::) - there's drivers... and there's screwdrivers  :P :P :P;D:-*

Is that a numpty really ???

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go to go in to the office tommorw for a telling off(well state my case) i hit a footbridge at the weekend with the digger and knocked the check valve off (oil every where) banksman not doing his job as he was on the phone  >:( >:(

not good mate, there was a banksman down here not watching what was going on when the built the shopping center, driver got to close to a hole, they knew about and banksman didnt warn him, down went the big 360 digger with demolition arm on, ,driver chased him of the site with a huge lump of wood, he nearly got arrested for asault and the banksman never actually came back to site to e fired, was to scared :D :D 

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Forgot... someone get me a soapbox ......something else that really annoyed me. I bought a farm model from an eBayer last week and it hasn't arrive after 7 days. Not a huge problem if the the non-arrival is dealt with efficiently, politely and with an apology - I'm an extremely patient and understanding person. Well none of those things were forthcoming. The Seller hasn't apologised once, everything has to be dealt with 'tommorow' and then the RM are blamed and apparently I have to wait 14 days to see if it turns up. The Seller seems to think his 'huge throughput' excuses lack of an apology and shoddy service - would like to see Amazon or one of the other really big online firms try that one.

Grief... I'm a customer... I'm giving you money... what is the problem! If any of my customers don't recieve an item within the agreed time periond... firstly they get a BIG apology, secondly they get either a replacement or refund whichever they prefer.. and thirdly it's MY PROBLEM not theirs... I can always get a refund via RM if it doesn't arrive or they can send it back if it does.

Right... soapbox put away.

Well this is not good but Im sure you could use it with Fraser for a little more cuddle time..... :D :D

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go to go in to the office tommorw for a telling off(well state my case) i hit a footbridge at the weekend with the digger and knocked the check valve off (oil every where) banksman not doing his job as he was on the phone  >:( >:(

well been to the office

got suspended for a week with no pay and a writen warning  annoyed is an under statment >:( >:(>:(

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