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Some Pics from work


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What a brute!!!  :-*

aw man you should see her climb, i have to admit i didnt like her at first shes kinda ugly,  :-\ but il tell you she grows on you and i like her away more then the tvt now, steering on the tvt is very heavy compared to this yoke.

some more, tvt this time sowing grass and the tg again eagerly awaiting my arrival



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Look at the landscape pictures . . .. . ..why on earth would anyone wnat to be anywhere else? Its gorgeous out there  :)

the grass always looks greener on the other side mate. :)

Loads of guys here think England is the place to be.My boss came back from England and said the english farmers have it made over there.

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Fantastic photos Alan, keep 'em coming. Any chance you could repost the very first ones sometime as they seem to have gotten lost. I'd love to see the ones of the Conor pass, been up there a few times and its pretty scary!. I'm guessing you go through Castleisland to get to Limerick? I was down there lately and drove the Limerick road which is one hell of a road now. Anyway good luck with the new job and keep that camera busy ;)

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well from what ive seen its a way less buracuratic here, especially where farming is concerned people seem to be more freely able to go about their lives without all those outside influences that are imposing on european farmers. even take the amount of dirt bikes over here, if that was at home there would be war over noise, and detioration of trails etc etc but there every where over here. its defidently a way cheaper to live here, food is dirt cheap as is fuel and take car insurance for an example, its optional and when you do pay for it, it only costs roughly $200 for a year. at home my car insurance last year was about ?1100!!!!!! some joke. ive heard of some court cases here on the radio and stuff where settlements paid out amounted to about $10,000 dollars for pretty serious incidents which is only about ?5000, if that was at home payments would amounted to ?250,000 plus. it seems this place is alot more sensible where fairness is concerned. theres defidently alot more public events and amenities, such as endurance tests, races, fishing, adventure stuff and things along those lines, especially compared to ireland anyway which has virtually nothing going on for young people, and if there is something its too expensive or whatever

the down side is that alot of parts here are just so remote, you dont really get an idea for it till you see it yourself, i guess it just depends on your personal prefrences of what you want.

its hard to say which is better, id say if this place wasnt as remote it would defidently win hands down

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Fantastic photos Alan, keep 'em coming. Any chance you could repost the very first ones sometime as they seem to have gotten lost. I'd love to see the ones of the Conor pass, been up there a few times and its pretty scary!. I'm guessing you go through Castleisland to get to Limerick? I was down there lately and drove the Limerick road which is one hell of a road now. Anyway good luck with the new job and keep that camera busy ;)

no bother boy, i think they get deleted automatically after a few months or something but il put some up for you now no problem, connor pass can be dodgy enuf at times especially when icy....  ;D a jeep hit the wall last year and was hanging over the edge rite at teh worst part of the cliff! you can only guess what they were thinking  ;D ;D ;D


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  • 3 weeks later...

best soil depends on who you ask mate ha ha!. The soil where i am in the waikato is pretty top notch. Its about an hour and a half north of where Alan is. Mainly a peat/loam type soil, very fertile. But farmers down the south island will tell you theirs is best probably, its ranges so much throughout even within short distance

Fair call,well said.I'm going to take Tris on a soil tour if we both have time.

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heres a few i took yesterday and today of one of our last pit silage jobs for the season , raked it yesterday afternoon and started picking it up this morning before the weather turned it to hay................ you dont see too many mx 270s drawing silage at home do u



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heres the case chopper  :-\ its actually a jd painted in case colours............... dont ask they seem to think case are the bees knees here  ;) the thing is theres a jd 7500 coming next month for the maize and she too is going getting a colour change before she does a tap



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