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JD 7810 and mower (doh!)


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Yeah,very hot and bright, annoying because with the ground so bright the camera can't cope and washes out the skys :(

I've only seen one tractor locally with a front linkage and that was a new fendt with new pottinger + mower, after finding the fendt dealer down the lanes I suspect this was a demo anyway....front linkages just don't seem that popular, no idea why ???

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that may explain the lack of front linkage then chaps , as big as the 78 may be there's a fair bit of heavy land in that area & it maybe the size & weight of the tractor thats needed not necessarily what the tractor is capeable of powering.

At upcerne we had three 7710's but none had front linkage due to the fact anything other than the implement behind would have killed them due to the land we were working , which was steep ,heavy clay / chalk

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