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The peculiar world of 3D printing. Printers and CAD in a world of Craft Knifes and Pencils.



I might as well start the topic I've spoken about in the purchases topic. If admin want to do the fancy thing where they move posts to different threads then I think what was discussed in the purchases topic would make a nice start to this one. 

Anyhow, in the mean time... 






Printed wheels


Edited by Stabliofarmer
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Bigger bugger, I noticed the other day someone ask the same question on 3D printing UK, I was going to share that with you but only noticed now you are the auther of that question, Hope you get it resolved soon,



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Just to try and see, if you can print useing a USB cable that might shed some light, If it does print by the USB then it must be a problem with either the SD card or the card reader, I never use my SD I always use my SUB, unless it's a long print and I need to go out then I'd transfer the print onto the card.



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its not the card, have checked that moving various  files between laptops and stuff, the printer sees it every time you put it in so the reader is ok i suspect as well , sees both in-fact, it happily lets you pick files of the cards and everything  , and starts them as far as heating up then stops at the same point .thats with my origonal files all worked before , 2 small test ones,,simple 20 min boxes  and all the files that came with it as test prints like the boat, cat ect , which i have not messed with. just tried again, with a 3rd sd card and a memory stick via the micro usb point, same ,gets hot then stops, just noticed that the pause print option has gone now as well now on the main screen options, its just stop print as the only option, yesterday pause was there, even though i could not resume it as before , seems to be pointing towards a software issue with the printer its self rather than my stuff. rang the seller today and got told i have to wait for the support team to email me back, to which nothings happened ,so they will get to wednesday then i will have to ring back .

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21 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

its not the card, have checked that moving various  files between laptops and stuff, the printer sees it every time you put it in so the reader is ok i suspect as well , sees both in-fact, it happily lets you pick files of the cards and everything  , and starts them as far as heating up then stops at the same point .thats with my origonal files all worked before , 2 small test ones,,simple 20 min boxes  and all the files that came with it as test prints like the boat, cat ect , which i have not messed with. just tried again, with a 3rd sd card and a memory stick via the micro usb point, same ,gets hot then stops, just noticed that the pause print option has gone now as well now on the main screen options, its just stop print as the only option, yesterday pause was there, even though i could not resume it as before , seems to be pointing towards a software issue with the printer its self rather than my stuff. rang the seller today and got told i have to wait for the support team to email me back, to which nothings happened ,so they will get to wednesday then i will have to ring back .

Don't know why I never thought of this before, But Creality have their own forum, Either them or someone on the forum should be able to help,??




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13 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

got a reply from creality, with new firmware to install, and guess what, its made it worse😆😆😆😆 had a real bad technology day today,even my work laptop went and threw a wobbly today 

Oh heck, out of the frying pan into the fire, I hope you get it sorted soon, Ide be lost without my machine these day's



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new motherboard fitted today, had to take several pics as theres a lot of plugs underneath it 😆😆 new software downloaded and in, turns it on,30 seconds later, all is back ,so reset all the bed from all the movement and de construction on  it all, and first test prints off, and looking good, beginning to think i may have had a duff board from day one mind, as its so much quieter now, almost silent bar the fans?? know its a couple of gens up from the original, but even so, the motors on the axis drives are silent now .

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50 minutes ago, Tractorman810 said:

new motherboard fitted today, had to take several pics as theres a lot of plugs underneath it 😆😆 new software downloaded and in, turns it on,30 seconds later, all is back ,so reset all the bed from all the movement and de construction on  it all, and first test prints off, and looking good, beginning to think i may have had a duff board from day one mind, as its so much quieter now, almost silent bar the fans?? know its a couple of gens up from the original, but even so, the motors on the axis drives are silent now .

The ultimate test Sean, try a print without useing a raft as you really should not need one unless the bottom of your print is not flat, you can easily get "silent" fan motors as well, just checkout E-bay for silent 3D fans plenty of them around and fairly cheap just make sure you get the correct voltage.



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4 minutes ago, Stabliofarmer said:

They look bob on Sean, nice bit of CAD work to make that loader too

the cads actually way easier than i thought, especially with the pencil, its just like drawing out on paper i find, just not as easy to visualise size wise ,sometimes i get it wrong, which is only seen when printed,on paper you can see right away 

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57 minutes ago, catkom3 said:

That is looking good, who'd 'ave thunk it was the the electronic gubbins that was at fault, happy printing Sean.



i know, they went through everything, but the give away was the screen going apparently , did 3 firmware update attempts  before that , once i sent a short vid they knew right away.

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2 hours ago, catkom3 said:

I reckon they've sent you an upgraded board as well, seeing as it is now running quieter, Loads of guy's out there buy brand new machines and swap out the motherboard so as they run quiet, ??



they did say its was better than the origonal, but never mentioned a silent one, made a huge difference, although now i cant tell if its stopped or anything 😆😆😆😆where as before i could hear it downstairs, which surprised me, in turn it does make me wonder if something was up from day one, currently got the final trailer print running, this time on brim, just coming down slowly to nothing, mainly due to some small parts , and its bob on, no lift or anything ,with nothing altered on the file,  bed feels hot all over, nice and equal, where as i did notice a few cooler spots than others in places 

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2 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

they did say its was better than the origonal, but never mentioned a silent one, made a huge difference, although now i cant tell if its stopped or anything 😆😆😆😆where as before i could hear it downstairs, which surprised me, in turn it does make me wonder if something was up from day one, currently got the final trailer print running, this time on brim, just coming down slowly to nothing, mainly due to some small parts , and its bob on, no lift or anything ,with nothing altered on the file,  bed feels hot all over, nice and equal, where as i did notice a few cooler spots than others in places 

Must have been a Friday afternoon machine, I've fairly recently started useing Carbon fibre filament it is fantastic stuff slightly stronger than normal filament and it is always very smooth finish and matt finish really nice stuff and similar price to standard PLA and prints at same settings as generic PLA. I'm currently useing it to make track pads for the Schuco Stalinets crawler I bought a few years ago.




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Right got the photo problem sorted and worked out the spaceing / length the track pads need to be in order to get the holes in the chain links to line up so I could get them all pinned together, ended up useing 30 of them to go around the track frame, a wee bit light sanding and some grey paint on the inside and a splash of silver should smarten them up a bit, I also discovered how to properly produce accurate wheels which opened up a whole new area for me in 3D CADing, So I tried my hand at making discs proper concave ones turned out really well, All printed in Carbon filament on PLA settings 200c nozzle 60c heated bed.



3D tracks 1.JPG





3D tracks 6.JPG

3D tracks 7.JPG

3D tracks 8.JPG

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they look spot on, are they all seperate links ? . not even had a go at wheels or discs, which i need to, as i have a few bits i would like to do at some point. 

one thing i have learnt the last few weeks is print temps and speed ,i tend to use e sun pla+ filament, mainly as its got some really good reviews, and it really does make a difference when you up the temps,linked with speed, i now go at 220 for the filament, 70 for bed temp, and 80 for speed, and i get no where near as many strings or issues, i also just use brim now, as thats what the company ,and a good few others recommends for pla+, to stop warping, so am saving plastic now as well, tried a trailer last night and its bang on now,  and has taken a couple of hours of the print time as well.

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2 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

they look spot on, are they all seperate links ? . not even had a go at wheels or discs, which i need to, as i have a few bits i would like to do at some point. 

one thing i have learnt the last few weeks is print temps and speed ,i tend to use e sun pla+ filament, mainly as its got some really good reviews, and it really does make a difference when you up the temps,linked with speed, i now go at 220 for the filament, 70 for bed temp, and 80 for speed, and i get no where near as many strings or issues, i also just use brim now, as thats what the company ,and a good few others recommends for pla+, to stop warping, so am saving plastic now as well, tried a trailer last night and its bang on now,  and has taken a couple of hours of the print time as well.

Yes the track pads are all seperate links fortunately I have a spare 1/50th scale track pad I had from a dozer kit I build years ago and worked from that, as for wheels they are incredibly easy to do as are tyres all you dois create a flat template with the exact profile like a dished Massey rear create a fulcrum and pull it through 360, I did do a few screen grabs for you but shut the programme down without saveing them, Rummage / Google how to rotate sketch's through 360 and that should sort you out, When doing that wheel / tyre to show you I though might as well try and put some tread on it, Wheels tyres easy tread onto tyre nightmare very tricky, But I had a go and whilst it's far from good and I'm chuffed as all the solutions came from me,



My first 3D tyre  tread..jpg

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