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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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That's the problem with a job like yours. Any construction job of the scale you are involved with; has to keep going because of time limits and it's probably easier to keep going rather than trying to restart and motivate people after a break.

     I suppose too  that Easter may not be celebrated in Azerbaijan (Is that right?). It's a wonder we still celebrate it here, for fear of offending some people or infringing their rights. Bl**dy country!!!!!

     Hope someone sent you an Easter Egg though. I expect they did but it was probably blown up at an airport somewhere in case it was a "Terrorist device" or eaten in the name of "Forensic examination" by Customs and Excise.  ;D;):D

As we are all on our rotation we work through for the 28 days every day. Most of the commissioning guys are still here as they work 6 week on and 2 weeks off so there is only a little work going on. Most of the construction guys are Azeri's and Turks. They are mostly on holiday now as they have a spring holiday called Novruz. It is a muslim country but they allow all religions one of the barmaids has the weekend off to celebrate easter. Work wise at the moment the schedule has slipped a little but they are a good bunch of guys and should make the time up.

Alas no easter eggs for me they are at home sat waiting for me that is as long as the kids stay away from them :-\

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Called at the farm to see the folks this morning, old man was fiddling around with the auto clay trap, grand mother visiting and little sister on a break from radio therapy and up from London with her boyfriend. Got Emily's quad bike going so she had a tazz about on that, picked up a door, lunch at the pub then hung the door on the utility on the extension. Off to see Mrs H & Kids in Coventry now and to get an Unlucky Fried Kitten. Knackered!!

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Glue my eyelashes shut and my trouser legs together  ::)

Start work at 17.30 and away all week in a lorry - first time for a while so I am doing more to the granary barn. Have to pack up soon though to go shopping for PLastruct and stuff ready for next weekend. Oh and grass matt, musn't forget that!!

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today i have been at school it was boring and the dog got hold of my homework  :D :D

thought you would be on half term i am

toaday i went to work we did up a  slurry stirer looks good as new clean up the yard bedded up the cows and help the boss put a dual spreader back together

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thought you would be on half term i am

toaday i went to work we did up a  slurry stirer looks good as new clean up the yard bedded up the cows and help the boss put a dual spreader back together

nope we are back of half term
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sitting on my digger and just been told iv got to go to newport gwent tommorw

Where were you working Steve i remember seeing a clone of you sitting in a digger on a motorway somehwere, near Luton maybe? But not sure

And for me just come back from Wales on my holiday and just finishing off a few cartoons which i hope to sell maybe :)

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