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you could allways try paper and an iron to get the worst off

Iron on the paper to the bitumen

The heat of the iron softens the bitumen and it sticks to the paper then pull it away

May be worth a try :-\

I will try that, Scott. Sounds like a cunning plan does that.  :)

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just dont light the fire to dry it out quicker if you use unleaded ;D ;D ;D  or it may be drier than required, pertrol would evaporate as such once used so i doubt much would be left on the wall ,

as for outside, depending on how many layers of paint are already on, once you get a hole it may well peel of like wallpaper, just a good wide paint scrape under it , i did strip a exterior wall like that at my nans old farm with my brother, had damp under it seeing as it was the north facing one, it took the worst of the weather  and bar a few small bits which required the cup, it came of easier than we thought

Not as easy as that with the scraper mate in the outside. Typical old wall, not very even, mortar joints etc.... won't be easy scraping I can see. Going to be a case of elbow grease and cider I think!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Just joined the queue for fuel at Sainsburys in Frome after a visit to the model shop. Home next to hopefully finish the shelves and hanging frame in the shed in time to watch the rugby. May even try Scotts tip on that damned tanking later on inbetween working on the model beef shed and another secret project. ;)

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o deere tris you do have a problem there mate

the tanking was proberbly put on to stop water geting in from the outside and they may have done both sides as well

it wont come off as it will have penatrated in to the blocks

you might try dot and dab plaster board leaveing a slight air gap or you will have to cover the wall in expandid metal so the plaster sticks to that as for the lime bit not sure ????

for the out side try a heat gun  ;)

hpe all gose well steve

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just spent an hr putting together a mothercare trike for the little one, instructions bore no resemblance what so ever to the actual trike, were all in  ???? language to, some sort of japanese or similar??, ended up using the pics on the outside of the box to put it together in the end , luckly this did look like the end product,

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o deere tris you do have a problem there mate

the tanking was proberbly put on to stop water geting in from the outside and they may have done both sides as well

it wont come off as it will have penatrated in to the blocks

you might try dot and dab plaster board leaveing a slight air gap or you will have to cover the wall in expandid metal so the plaster sticks to that as for the lime bit not sure ??? ?

for the out side try a heat gun  ;)

hpe all gose well steve

More food for thought there, Steve. Cheers matey. The exterior has not been tanked though thankfully. We know why it was done and can now see (before seeing the tanking was even there) why it is a bad idea to do this kind of stuff to an old house. It's criminal it was even suggested really!

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resting my arm and feeling sorry for myself, dislocated my colar bone ? (shoulder area) today while taking the feeder off the TM120 >:( 

dont have a clue how though one minute i was jumping out the cab next minute rolling on the floor in pain, even worse when the docs rolling your arm around trying to put it back into place  :-\

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had little sophie last night, first night away from mum and what fun, wouldnt go to sleep till midnight, then up again at 7 am, which for a 7 month is good apparently, neither of us slept out of worry ,despite the monitoring alarm system shes got in her cot, took her out this morning to visit the mums, then home at 12, only to find her mums still in bed of all places  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  was getting worried she would start calling me dad the time shes been here but great fun non the less  ;D ;D

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We have had a cracking day here in Suffolk, me and the missus drove to Shotley had a big breakfast at the sailing club there, then she drove home and i walked home along the river Orwell.I managed the 13 odd miles in under 4 hours with a quick pit stop (for a pint of Adnams  :P ) at Pin Mill.

A few pictures I took along the way.





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mast is still there, and last time i went the main buildings, got banned from the pre school there after i locked another kiddy in the loos then threw the keys out of the window, not so bad apart from it was the 3rd floor and they werent found ::) ::)::)  hey ho

last visit i had a cracking meal in the pub on the corner, bottom of the hill on the waterfront, , name eludes me right now 

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mast is still there, and last time i went the main buildings, got banned from the pre school there after i locked another kiddy in the loos then threw the keys out of the window, not so bad apart from it was the 3rd floor and they werent found ::) ::)::)  hey ho

last visit i had a cracking meal in the pub on the corner, bottom of the hill on the waterfront, , name eludes me right now

The Bristol Arms ;)

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Nice. Only been to Felixstowe a couple of times when I was on containers and remember seeing the cranes miles away from the dock and it seems to take ages to get there, they're huge!

Just found this picture taken from the viewing point looking down river towards Ipswich :of


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Spent a good chunk of the day at my godfather & godmother's home in Herefordshire for a walk around their property and lunch at the Live and Let Live pub.

Alongside his David Brown 995, he has a rather tidy and fully restored Cropmaster in his barn, attached to an original DB 2-furrow plough. Too wet to take either for a spin mind :(

Kind bloke that he is, he also lent me three of his "Fergie on the Farm" DVDs :)

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