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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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running round plymouth like a loney most of the day, only to find out thier was nothing wrong with the bust fiber we were ment to be fixing??? aprt from the 4 times we took it off at the exchange to test it?? customer wasnt to happy to say the least, weird thing is they supposedly reported it as off

also been out in the shed this eve,tinkering in the dark arts, god i must have banged my head or something

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today I are bin mostly....

Doing diddly squat  :-[

just 2 weeks into the holidays and I am bored out of my brains  :'( - roll on school start-back

Anyone got any tillage work they want doing in cambridgeshire for the next 4 weeks  ???:D :D

best find a small farm with a need for a helper mate,get fannys legs streched with a bit of hauling ,wish i had six weeks of though lucky bod you are

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best find a small farm with a need for a helper mate,get fannys legs streched with a bit of hauling ,wish i had six weeks of though lucky bod you are

I do need to stretch my fanny Sean.... I'd best ask around I guess  :-\ - Not that lucky though mate.... we are currently loosing a small fortune each week  :'(
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best find a small farm with a need for a helper mate,get fannys legs streched with a bit of hauling ,wish i had six weeks of though lucky bod you are

Marky having not been able to mow mums big lawn for some time. can you pop down and top it with your massey. 8) 8)
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I've been under a lot of pressure at work lately....  :-[ ... and I told you in confidence Simon  :'(

:D :D :D

:D :D :D I'd best cancel that add i put in the cambridge times then shame to was gonna make a cracking front page headline..............................................................................................


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Course not thats my wife when she signs on when the computer's left alone  ;) ;) ;)

Grief... well now you mention it... I think it must be my other half that gets me into trouble on here as well then... devils for logging on and causing mayhem when you leave your pc for one moment aren't they ;D;)

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