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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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not much, kinda waiting for everything to kick start here properly with the building and stuff so ive a few go slow days waiting for the final bit of paper work to go through.......... nothing worse when you dont want them. must thighten chain on bike soon then might carry it to beach for spin or something

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Swindon for the day( no model shops aloud ) by order of the one who must be obayed

it was that bad i nearly had to put a suit and tie on ::) ( but managed to get away without wearing one phew) Well it's not every day your daughter get's a graduation day is it  8) We both are still feeling so proud of her so i think a few cans might be in order ;D

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Today... I are bin mostly..

To the Cottenham Ploughing match.. very intereting... some great work as well... met Mr Holmes & Mrs Holmes too... I'll pop some pics up when I get a chance... some lovely old kit there as well  ;D

lucky that, i was in town cashing in my change when you told me you were there! :o :o...that'll teach her :D :D :D

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Had a marathon modeling today getting models ready for tomorrow! Was hoping to go and get a bit of very late topping done, but have just finnished and boxing up still to do!....Will try and get some photos up later. :);) ;)

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