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finished off fitting an automatic teat dipping and flushing system on a 24  24 milking parlour ,herdsman very happy saving 20two30 mins a milking farmer said when we left he wont be soon he is going to be milking more cows , never ending i guess just keep expanding to stand still  :-\ but i enjoyed fitting it something differant ;)

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Building houses on it instead Alan  ???

sadly yes, it was either build them on some of our land (i.e. green field site) which i was defidently appoused to, or build where the existing yard is now, so after some arguments etc we eventually decided to go with the yard plus a few acres so at least its not as bad as covering good ground in houses. still though sad to see it go, spent half my younger days out there messing around  :P so lots of memories.

Don't worry you'll soon get the hang of your new telehandler. They can be a bit tricky at first.  ;D ;D

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Gutting the upstairs of our house, my room has tractors in it, the hobby room has tractors in it, the spare room has no space left due to tractors and projects. .. .. Dads room is clear of them!! Thought the new year would be a good time to give Dad the upstairs of his house back so we (Traci and I) have spring cleaned my room. The spare room is emptied and looks more like a bedroom again (all apart from Leveret's farm stored in the corner). Next we are aiming to surprise Dad by giving the hobby room a make over with a new computor desk, model bench and shelving aswell as a wireless network via a new PC care of Traci who is upgrading hers in the coming year. Should be quite a project to try and do secretly when we get into it!!!

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