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Flower kit

Light Land

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This odd looking bit of kit is used to pull stalks out of the bulbs while in the ground to save on labour in the pack house.

1100rpm @.5kph is the avg speed,if you go faster then you miss some stalks.

The plates spin around and pushed togther for a split second thus pulling out the stalk as the plates are spining backwards.

On row crop wheels the ride is a little rough because of the plates always pushing at each other.

Enjoy  :)

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yeah keep them busy eh,no most of that sort of buld work is done manually down here,suprised they havn't cottoned on to kit like that though,sure it would be cheaper over a few years compaired to 30/40 poles for 2/3 weeks even at what they pay them for the job

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yeah i was thinking the same,saw some road guys at malta had done the same,started the trenching machine of at full dig depth,and were sat 50m away down the hill ,drinking tea just sat waiting for it to arrive,was chucking rocks and all sorts out over the road

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It must be tempting to start it off, get out, walk to the other end of the field and have a brew :)

If it had GPS you could take your paper work/book with you.Often some one from the labour dept drives that because it's not that hard you just gotta keep an eye on things.

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