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Ford 6610 - Opinions on this one Please......


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None of it needs to be fancey stuff either Mart. Have you heard of Fleming? There is a chap near me who sells their toppers, pasture rollers, linkboxes etc and none of it is particulary expensive.

Can't say I have Tris......In terms of toppers I was thinking along the lines of a Votex for sometime in the future as I've had experience using them before and the local New Holland dealer can access most of the parts for them...... :);) ;)

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Can't say I have Tris......In terms of toppers I was thinking along the lines of a Votex for sometime in the future as I've had experience using them before and the local New Holland dealer can access most of the parts for them...... :);) ;)

Good you're taking part availibility into consideration mate. Unless I get a free lawn/garden tractor off of the road, I stick to the same brand to make it easier to get parts when needed. :)

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I'm making some enquiries into other Ford tractors that are kicking around locally but that Massey we were discussing earlier in the topic is becoming more tempting...... :-\ ;)

What I did think of doing was getting a make (like Massey) I'm not too keen on, running it for a bit, cashing it in and then eventually getting a Ford as Marcus said......

Looking at prices of Ford 40 Series models, some aren't too bad but are a wee bitty too high...... :-\

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try it you might like it  ;), if it works out , you may well be surprised by what other brands have to offer, if you live in a predominately ford area the residual prices may be quite high for a while , but you'd have dealer availability to you advantage , still recon the 956 CASE IH is worth looking at, no electrics & a bomb proof engine  ;)

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best to go for something bomb proff mart, and the 3000 series are pretty much so, i know we hark on abaout our favorite brands but when your starting out you basicly need a good cheap reliable bit of kit, and you wont go wrong with one of those 

I'm coming round to the idea mate if I can't get myself a reliable/decent/modern enough blue for the money...... :);) ;)

Can anyone tell me the road speed of a 3630 please?

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like ost machines of that era 30K

i would expect that it would be 40k mart as 40k was the 'in thing' to have , i don't know of many fitted with 30 in this area , if its possible go for the 16 speed , not the 32 , but eitherway , they're a good old bus  ;)

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i would expect that it would be 40k mart as 40k was the 'in thing' to have , i don't know of many fitted with 30 in this area , if its possible go for the 16 speed , not the 32 , but eitherway , they're a good old bus  ;)

Thanks Marcus, 40K would be a bitty more useful eh...... :);) ;)

Fair point marcus im just going with what the majority of the 3000 series had in this area it only changed when the legendary dynashift came out, the easiest way to find out mart is email them etc

Have done that a couple of days back Phill, but no news yet...... :-\ ;) ;)

What's the difference between the Autotronic and Datatronic systems these could be fitted with?

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Datatronic is an actualy computer system that works out wheel slip area covered etc things like that all the things modern machines have, and autotronic is just the simple version with no on board computer etc mjb may know more as i havent had much to do with autotronic. If i was you mart i would go with autotronic as less to go wrong the datatronic is reliable and a real use but i doubt you'll need it much and on rare occasion it goes wrong it will cost

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Cheers Phill......I thought it would have been about that...... :)

Would this be regarded as too slow for most road work on farms today?  :-\ :-\

how much road work would you be doing mart? would ahve thought you would be trying to work locally to you at first anyway so there wouldn't really be that much road work involved would there

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how much road work would you be doing mart? would ahve thought you would be trying to work locally to you at first anyway so there wouldn't really be that much road work involved would there

It would be local Sean, I'm just trying to cover all ideas as some farms do haul fair distances...... :)

I do know that my boss would like an extra tractor but as Gav mentioned earlier I'm not relying on one offer so once I've got a decent machine and my licnese I'll be putting ads in the local papers...... :);)

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It would be local Sean, I'm just trying to cover all ideas as some farms do haul fair distances...... :)

    I do know that my boss would like an extra tractor    but as Gav mentioned earlier I'm not relying on one offer so once I've got a decent machine and my licnese I'll be putting ads in the local papers...... :);)

I bet he would    also not the cost of an extra tractor so hours worked ware and tare

would he be willing to replace any dammage say If you where on holliday and he got someone else to drive it and they dammaged it  also insurance as you will be hireing and contracting

you want to cover your back and look after [glow=red,2,300]no 1[/glow]  mart

i dont know your boss but there are allot of farmers who always want something for nothing

be carefull  ;)  But im sure you have allready thought all of this through :)             

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I'd probably be the only one to drive it when it would be up there mate as he only needs one when busy, which is usually when I'm off school...... :)

I've tried to cover all angles possibles in my thoughts about this, once the tractor is bought insurance and test are next on the agenda...... :);)

Cheers Mate

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go for the autotronic mart , , i'd be surprised if you'd ever have the need for datatronic as this really comes into it'self when using sprayers , drills . & any other precision implements , thats why there are more datatronic tractors in the arable areas , than down here in the predomitaly dairy area.

datatronic basically gives you information  on hectares covered , fuel used , set wheelslip , etc,etc

all handy stuff but not really of any use for the applications you want , of all the datatronic tractors i've driven , i've never felt the need to use it 

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