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At work with Martin (NH2)


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blimey didnt take long to get them did it mart, so will the plated one be on the farm most of the time, the other rented out???

They actually came off the boat last week I believe Sean, just a bit of hastle to get a lorry to deliver them, but all worked out fine........ :)

Not sure if we'll plate the other one too, we've certainly got a few jobs lined up for the second one for ourselves, not sure how quickly they'll start to get hired out........ :)

Loooooovely mart... I'd love to own one of those - full report on exactly what they are like 'in action' please

Will do Marky, think we're doing some rubble moving with them tomorrow with the 3095 loading them  ;D so will get some pics and see what like they are........ :)

a couple of tidy trailers there martin good one for the dung how much will they cost to rent.

Don't think he's decided on hiring prices yet Peter but if you were ever interested I'd find out for you mate........ :)

Aye think we might use one for the dung too, save using the Marshall all the time........ :)

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Theres a smelly old hound in the cab of the new one!!!! ::)  :o :o :o

What is it with UK drivers having dogs in the cab with them? Don't they put muddy paws every were mart?

Our Charlie's isn't too bad Ol, we have put a cover on the passenger seat though just in case........ :D;)

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nice pics mart , but just not getting the attraction of the farm sign stuff on the tractors ?

& what about those loader stand brackets & the front linkage rams hanging down , doesn't any of that annoy you ?

it irritates me every time i see them in the pics , almost makes me want to get a plane up & tidy it up a bit

then maybe make my escape in the 698 that everyone seems to want to avoid  :(

have you ever thought that the poor old girl sits in the shed everyday sadly wondering what she's done wrong to always be ignored  :'(

come on mart get her out & about

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nice pictures mart , but just not getting the attraction of the farm sign stuff on the tractors ?

& what about those loader stand brackets & the front linkage rams hanging down , doesn't any of that annoy you ?

it irritates me every time i see them in the pictures , almost makes me want to get a plane up & tidy it up a bit

then maybe make my escape in the 698 that everyone seems to want to avoid  :(

have you ever thought that the poor old girl sits in the shed everyday sadly wondering what she's done wrong to always be ignored  :'(

come on mart get her out & about

More and more lads up here are getting the farm signs on their tractors, have to say I quite like it, always handy when you're on the road and pass someone, so you know where they're from........ :)

The loader brackets and linkage rams, I can see how they could irritate but never really bothered me to be honest, although the loader brackets would be as well to come off since the loader is never off the old girl........

Aye it's true about the 698 she does really get neglected, maybe one winter we'll get around to having a look  at her, but there would be a fair bit to do........ :'(

nice pictures mart, have to say i only ever see farm signs on kit up your way, very very rare to see anything like that down here, just the odd window sticker or bonnet decals for contractors,

Cheers Sean........Yeah, there's a lot of folk around here with them now, still a few without them mind you but they're getting more and more common........ :)

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Nice one Mart... I bet the old girl was a little ligh on the back end with a good load in that bucket mate  :o

Looking forward (with great interest... as I'm rather tempted myself) to the trailer review  ;D

Too right Marky that old red sand stone weighs a tonne........ :o :o

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what happen ed to the grab rail and mirror on the left hand side of the tractor was it for ease of getting in and out of the cab ???

Grab rail is rusted and awaiting replacement (but at the price for a new one from Massey we might just weld it up  :o)........Similar problem with the mirror, the cast bracket which bolts it to the tractor was rotten, so the mirror fell off and cracked the glass........ :-\

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nice pictures mart , but just not getting the attraction of the farm sign stuff on the tractors ?

& what about those loader stand brackets & the front linkage rams hanging down , doesn't any of that annoy you ?

it irritates me every time i see them in the pictures , almost makes me want to get a plane up & tidy it up a bit

Woah there Mr ***** and Span! Your truck has more dog hair in it than Penny has on her back! You leave young Mart be you grumpy old sod :P:D :D I quite like the farm signs too, Mart. Nice to be able to see who is around when your out and about.

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