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  • 3 weeks later...

be a good hobby in the winter though   mf550

this time next year i want to find a rough but mechanicly sound IH885 xl

cosmetic looks not important  i can get most of the cosmetics from

intatrack now they're local to my area  ;)

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the biggest problem for me if i ever get one will be to get the tan overhead uphostry

INTA-TRACK have very small amounts of tan but loads of grey (CASEIH)

even if the T-A is down you can get the cheap repair kits for them

i think they just lock them into high speed  just the flywheel aswell ive got to makesure

its been "retro fitted"with a CASEIH one as the early ones just had the 674 flywheels

and they just wore out more often  :'(

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there called T-A solid packs about ?120 i think

i bought a 484 in the summer i knew the brakes did not work and driving it home i was going down a hill and she started to take off on me (T-A wa in low) so i knocked it back into high and pulled the stopper much to the amusement of some hoesey people at the bottom of the hill then after a week or so the PTO stopped working aswell i thought heap of scrap its going to cost a fortune to repair this

new o rings in back axle to sort brakes (tried bleeding them)

split tractor to fix T-A

pto problem??????????

so i sold it and lost money was talking to guy who bought it off me and he said all that was wrong was the multi -valve which is located beside the back end oil filter it was'nt pumping oil to the right places creating the correct pressure so at the end of the day it did not cost a fortune to repair and corrected all 3 faults

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too much of the mechanical stuff works off the transmission oil in the back end and 1 fault usually ends up causing another

i had 3 tractors when i farmed

MF 390


FORD 3000

you can probebly guess which one was the least reliable and had the most repairs (2 clutches in 1 year electric splitter problem bad starter and loved rust and vibrating out studs and bolts)

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