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The daily dog walking expedition .....


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Popped over the field this morning and saw this little beauty at work, well not really. He started chopping the field with a spearhead topper and he run over the irrigation pump and broke the topper, so went to the yard and fetched another. That also couldn't stand the challenge and although it didn't conk out it wasn't doing anything. But finally picked this beauty up  ;) Same model as the Siku?

Nice pics mate......The driver doesn't sound like he know's what the hell he's doing...... :-\ :-\ :D;)

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Ben i thought the same but the problem is a) the ground is unbelievably hard and B) there are cabbage/radish/swede ( everything ) piles that they had to take out before cutting down the grass and then ploughing i think, but probably just tidying the dump area  :-\ Im not sure about the topper, at one stage he used it as buckrake  :o

Cheers Mart, he seemed like a bit of a pillock to me. Went way too fast on his first sweep and smashed the topper, sped back to the farmer and he didn't really seem to have any order in what he was doing. But he was a nice enough guy, gave me the farmers nod so im happy  :-\

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if it was me i would of power harrowed that ha ha! not topped it and how did your date go

Don't ask me, im not sure would a power harrow be able to mash that all up?

And the date went absoluetely fine, met her Dad again ( bit nervy ) but all was great  ;) Thanks for asking mate  ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyway guys haven't really had the camera out alot as there isn't alot about apart from the irrigation guys ... or so i thought. Today i was bored and waiting for the paint to dry so got out on the bike and on my longest venture yet ventured across a goldmine.

But on the way i came across this beauty, a 6630 i believe with Simba discs  :)



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Now my goldmine, i had to get back as i was about an hour away and forgot to bring any water and was getting a bit dehidrated. But i saw a John Deere ploughing in the field opposite so i made my way across the footpath to see it and i looked around and the farm had all there kit layed out neatly right next to the footpath. All kinds of kit there have a look. If anyone wants anything in paticular i'll try and get a bit closer  :-\



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Couple of Marston trailers and flat beds with the Briggs irrigators in the foreground.

And my favourite at the end because i love John Deere telehandlers, i was gutted when they stopped making them but Barkers still have 1 or 2 running strong  :)

Thats it for now folks any questions or requests for photos just ask  :)



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Nice pic's Nick :)

Very nice pictures mate......Looks like it would be nice and easy for the drivers to hitch onto those implements all nice and laid out...... :) :) :);)

Looks almost as if they are laid out ready for an auction to me :-\

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Pretty unusual to see them laid out like that on the grass outside the farm isn't it Gav...... :-\ :) :) ;)

Especially with the telehandler next to them, which could suggest it's just laid them out. :-\ Also the short grass around the implements is a bit suspect.....who would strim around their implements? ???:-\ ;)

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looks like there getting set for a farm sale to me, every thing lined up etc ;) jd forklifts good but not a patch on other makes, i drive a jd 3200 53 plate sometimes and hate it compared to an old sanderson 623 solo j reg we have at work :o

That's because it is still just a clumsy Matbro underneath, just tarted up....but I must admit, they do look the part. ;)

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