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Silage 2007 (Lackham)


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Well Lackham have been doing there yearly silage campaign which NDFM1's do themselves which has been good fun here are a few pics from it all

First pic - JD 6220

Second - Forager nd NH TM 190



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nice pics phil, see me and marky are going to have to pay you a visit now going greenish like this aint we ;):D :D

by the way, you put a bit of weight on at collage, all that drinking mate :D :D :D :D :D

OK then see if you can bring me back to the red side please :D :D

And yer just a lil think i need harvest again to loose the weight again damn college life far to easy :D :D

Excellent pictures MF Fan, how i would die to be a driver in that fleet. Looks awesome and glad you had some fun  :)

Cheers nick yer was great fun :)

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