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Set Aside Grass


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Here's a couple of phone pics to make the silage boys weep.  :D

I sow set-aside down to grass/clover for two years and have to top it. Not wishing to perform any more pheasanticide, I left topping it later than normal. The poor old topper was on it's knees trying to mulch this up!

I reckon there would have been about 10 bales to the acre - what a waste  :(



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The setaside period is 15th Jan - 31st August and no grazing, silage or fertiliser allowed, it must be topped between 15 July and 15 August with toppings left on the ground.

I try and keep it neat, top it on the 15th July then leave it for silage/grazing after 31 August.... :)

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Oh right, now I follow. I new there was a date in July coz I used to drive three hours in the old 7840 with a McConnel Rhino 9 bouncing on the back up to Glos to top about 100 acres of set-a-side round about then, right in the middle of harvest!! Pain in the bum.

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I bet the toper was groaning John, and like you say it is such a waste really but rules is rules!

Aye, even if they're written by lunatics....

Great pics John.. what speed can you go with that in that condition.. does it slow you down a lot mate  ???

The really thick bits I was down to 4 kph or else I broke the PTO shear bolt normally around 10 -11 k.

Good pics John......Always good to see your 8360...... :) :) :);)

Cheers Mart  ;)

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Looks like you could do with an offset topper to avoid those wheelings and uncut tracks left by running over the grass before cutting it.

Yes I could  :D budget doesn't allow it. Tried the topper on the front, but that didn't work too well either.

Next time through tidies it all up.... :)

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Yes I could  :D budget doesn't allow it. Tried the topper on the front, but that didn't work too well either.

Next time through tidies it all up.... :)

Silly queston coming up John... would reversing up and down do the trick  ??? - Apart from the visit to the doctors for anti-inflamitories for your neck  ???:-\
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the goverment preaching about too much waiste

but paying farmers to literaly throw away potential

stock feed and it has to be topped ...waiste of diesil ,feed and time

i was doing just that in 1995 so is it the torys to blame  :'( ???

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Silly queston coming up John... would reversing up and down do the trick  ??? - Apart from the visit to the doctors for anti-inflamitories for your neck  ???:-\

It doesn't make such a good job of spreading as the rotors are going the 'wrong way'.....and it would be a pain in the neck.  :D

how much did you topp then jdc  :-\

There's only about 19 ha of grass set-aside to do....

the goverment preaching about too much waiste

but paying farmers to literaly throw away potential

stock feed and it has to be topped ...waiste of diesil ,feed and time

i was doing just that in 1995 so is it the torys to blame  :'( ???

I could leave it as natural regeneration and spray it with Roundup, but this way although more expensive to me, is better for the soil, wildlife etc.  ;)

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