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Graham's Work


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We are about 500 tonne of rapeseed down due to the heavy storms and hail Nashmach. Also some days it has been 90ft of combine headers going.

Here are some pics of to-days escapades.

The first pic of the lorry is what I collect the eggs in from three chicken sheds and take to the egg packers every Monday and Thursday morning.



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Once I have unloaded todays eggs I load back up with eggs that they have graded to take back to the yard to be distributed all over Kent and London. The eggs are all free range and go to places like the Houses of Parliament, Clarence House and  a lot of the top restaurants in London and Asda Stores.



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Another diversification of Bank Farm was bio diesel but the environment agency shut them down for some unknown reason and then told them that they could start again, they had got it wrong, six months later they had sold the plant and made the chap redundant but he tells me he is going to start it back up again, he used to run all his own vans and lorries on it, as well as selling it to the public.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are some more pics of what I have been upto.  Some good some not so good, and quite a few of them. The first one is of the Eurostar train if you go on it between Ashford and Folkestone you will go by some of the ground I have been working on. :)



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