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Cullies Farm


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2 hours ago, COWBOY said:

Looking forward to seeing the new calving unit

Was just looking for a spot for it. Got the slurry store and followers shed sorted just a bit of tweeking to do around the edges to find a spot for the calving end. The area between the gable of the followers shed and the dairy unit will be where i'll put the parlour collecting area. 





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45 minutes ago, tractorboyjules1977 said:

that's looking spot on ! by far in my opinion the best looking dairy unit ive seen on here thus far , a real credit ! cant wait till its finished

I can't wait myself it's been about 10 years in the making it'll be out of date by the time I'm done. The break was good though as the original spot was too cramped and no room to work around 

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Will never be out of date Garrett , it just takes time to get perfection  that's all, ,mine get left for a few months,then back at it again, new ideas spring to mind and your skills get better so you attempt more complex buildings and internals for them. None of them count for you of course ,we are all playing catch up in terms of finish compared to you :-[

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I don't know mate, but you set the bar very high right from the off on here, has certainly taken me a while to get close in terms of detail, you were well ahead  with materials to,getting slopes in the layout, all sorts, building on polly  sheet to allow rivers and ditches , all the little thing add up. Plenty are getting close , but one of your pics of the parlor sort of shows it,I have never seen another layout with the glass effect bottles in the milking kit, that's uk or anywhere else, even with all the high class layouts we see at zwolle when we go. 

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1 hour ago, Jdeere6910 said:

The OOPF's look spot on Garret, how did you make them?

Must be some money in Irish Milk with all this investment (or a kind bank manager)

Made them out of timber and used Britain's pens for the dividers the troughs were made from an old nail varnish shop display 

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