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Marky ploughing 22.09.07


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Have you asked Colin Boor (the organiser of the Spalding show) if you can do a demo on Sunday in the Car Park ?  ;):-*:-*

Would really bring in the crowds  ;)

Yeah yeah.. lets poke fun at poor old defenseless Marky... you know I am shy and darn't respond... bully...

At least he might be able to keep it straight on tarmac  :D :D

and you Golum...  >:( :'( :'(

If you MUST know.. Colin did ask me to open Spalding by cutting the ribbon on my plough as I drove past... throttle open in top gear... I had to decline as I will be demonstrating Kvernlands new 14 furrow plough on Sunday at 9am... I was worried I may not make it in time...  ;D:-*

Oh.. and you two... almost forgot...

Pwwwttthhhhhh  :P>:(

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Yeah yeah.. lets poke fun at poor old defenseless Marky... you know I am shy and darn't respond... bully...

and you Golum...  >:( :'( :'(

If you MUST know.. Colin did ask me to open Spalding by cutting the ribbon on my plough as I drove past... throttle open in top gear... I had to decline as I will be demonstrating Kvernlands new 14 furrow plough on Sunday at 9am... I was worried I may not make it in time...  ;D:-*

Oh.. and you two... almost forgot...

Pwwwttthhhhhh  :P>:(

Oh dear we are fiery this evening..... :D :D

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Yeah yeah.. lets poke fun at poor old defenseless Marky... you know I am shy and darn't respond... bully...

and you Golum...  >:( :'( :'(

If you MUST know.. Colin did ask me to open Spalding by cutting the ribbon on my plough as I drove past... throttle open in top gear... I had to decline as I will be demonstrating Kvernlands new 14 furrow plough on Sunday at 9am... I was worried I may not make it in time...  ;D:-*

Oh.. and you two... almost forgot...

Pwwwttthhhhhh  :P>:(

Oh Marky...... you're so impressive when you get going :-*:-* :-*

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Nice job for a 1st go markey, i had a chunk of key way missing out of my headstock when i got my plough so she walked all over the show, the furrows looked like a string laying around, as you have said pratice makes perfect, Keep up the pratice and you will have a dead straight furrow in no time

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Nice job for a 1st go markey, i had a chunk of key way missing out of my headstock when i got my plough so she walked all over the show, the furrows looked like a string laying around, as you have said pratice makes perfect, Keep up the pratice and you will have a dead straight furrow in no time

Thanks Nick... it's not as easy as it looks mate is it  :-\ - but soooooo much fun  ;D
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  • 2 weeks later...

looks like you enjoyed yerself while you were going mate , i expect the other thing going against you wasnt just hard ground but worn points as well ,a new set of points would have made it a little better  :)

I guess so Marcus... But the ground was ROCK hard I can tell you  :o
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  • 11 months later...

just wondering mark but when you were ploughing i take it the stabiliser chains were slackened off ? & your rear wheel was out of the furrow when you lined up when you set the plough down for the next run ?

Longtime ago now... but as I recall... I had the plough as far over on the chains as I could get it.... my wheel centres were miles out for the plough mate  :-[
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