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NCC? What the blazes are you doing here?!!  :D :D :D

Jez, pukke job mate. All your work is looking treriffic mate. The workshop is ace. The shelves really set it off  :D Looks great with the figures doing a few repais with the tools etc bud.  8)

As for they there trailers, superb. Absoloutley superb.

What are you doing here mate? Been a long told time since you have been messaging...

Thanks mate, the shelves are wicked, they just need filling with bits and bobs.

;) ;)

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NCC? What the blazes are you doing here?!!  :D :D :D

Jez, pukke job mate. All your work is looking treriffic mate. The workshop is ace. The shelves really set it off  :D Looks great with the figures doing a few repais with the tools etc bud.  8)

As for they there trailers, superb. Absoloutley superb.

I've actually got a break from going up and down fields all day and the missus too, I know shock horror :D :D :D

You'll never guess what either, I'm going out tonight to the pub on my own ;D ;D ;D Great I know yeehaaaa :-*

No, been watching this post for a while, one of the best diorama's I've seen this one, just had to leave a post ;) ;)

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i think i'm going to get me a 960, might pick 1 up the weekend.

I would mate. Only other option for you would be the new NH forager or as I want to, make myself a 7450i JD self propelled forager.

I've actually got a break from going up and down fields all day and the missus too, I know shock horror :D :D :D

You'll never guess what either, I'm going out tonight to the pub on my own ;D ;D ;D Great I know yeehaaaa :-*

No, been watching this post for a while, one of the best diorama's I've seen this one, just had to leave a post ;) ;)

Thanks NCC, means alot, enjoy the pub mate  ;) ;)

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So how does this look?

Muck carting???

I used some sieved compost and some material from the door mat i have in the garage, it looks and cuts like sisal string that sean used.

Any feedback welcome  ;) ;)




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Some nice update Jez, good muck as well, did you sprinkle the doormat weave on top oe mix it in?

Mixed it in mate, I did think about starting a topic titled " This looks s**t "

But thought better of it and stuck it in here.

I will mix a lod up and put it in the shed sometime....

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that was a week ago


Liking those pics mate , that muck works really well doesn't it

Awesome work there. Nice touch with the pile of poop. Would look excellent in a heap in the corner of the yard.

spot on mate looks very good, must get some sisal string.

Thanks guysyeah it works really well, It is just a bit laborious sat cutting it.... I bet there are loads of short sweepings in the door mat factory somewhere that would be perfect.

Have plans to make a lot more......

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