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  • 1 month later...

Because i did see it some where on a site but don't where anymore. On that site it was for my not clear who the manufacturer is.


How can you forget a website featuring such a modell??? Thanks to google I found this and immedaitely ordered three items of the modell ;-)


Will be available on preorder in March 2008 and the second production line in autum 2008. will be a great season 2008 with all these new 1:32 scale farmtoys manufacturers coming up - do we still need Britains??? ;-)

Have fun: http://www.cassel-lmv.de/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=18&category_id=5&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=152

And here is one of my many original pictures of this harvester:


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wow, that's what I call a massive feedback compared to any news concerning one of a million tractor modells ;-)

Anyway, thanks Texas, for the hint - you made me lucky!!!


The story of becoming a row-crop fan:

November 1976:

A Saturday morning: waking up, little 4-year old Sascha saw a STOLL beet harvester working on a field right behind the garden of our rental house.

Right after breakfast I ran to the field and saw the IH tractor pulling this impressive single-row mashine, topping the crop and collecting it in one tank which dropped the crop from time to time and formed long cross-rows of tops on the field, while the beets like a micracle were thrown in the large basket forming a large part of the mashine. Everything smelled like earth and sugar ... and I knew: I wanted to have this harvester of a modell to play with.

So I asked my father, please can I have such a beet harvester as a modell on X-mas (I had received my first Britains Ford 5000 plus Bamford Baler in the summer and the forager/trailer set on my birthday in september): and my father answered, yes if you so much like to I will look what I can do and talk with the angels in heaven ...

On X-mas eve, among some very nice presents, I did not found the beet harvester and I cried a lot of tears, until my father (who was a jetset business man) explained: The angels searched in every toy shop in the world but did not find anything like that ...

Restarting my hobby some 30 years later, I found beet and potato harvesters by conversionists at Farmtoysforum and today even a Stoll beet harvester - so after three decades a dream came true and I still long for further implements and row crop tractors/wheels and so on, all in connection with this childhood trauma ;-))))

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

where did our euro spy obtain those pics from then bas :D

very nice looking bit of kit, but very mainland europe in style, dont think i have seen one over her ein the uk yet?

007 had nothing to drink so he went on trip and took some pictures from the stoll :D :D. This stoll beetharvester i don't have seen also often.


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