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over spray and paint not mixed enough mate, leave them to dry,next day leave the paint tin in hot water for 5 mins, shake for 5 mins and spray in light coats, it should cover it no probs,

the affected roofs will need blasted, i hit them with a heavy coat to try and cover up made it worse!!

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Look like some of my Beet harvesters do when I have trouble with silicone spots, as has been said, very light and thin coats at intervals will sort it. As you've found, swamping it with paint will make it worse. Try cleaning the parts with panel wipe before painting them as that will help :);)

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This problem is usually due to the surface not de-greased enough even if the primer went on ok. As said, warm the paint, that will help or warm the surface to be sprayed with a hair dryer. Having said that though, some of the OEM paints in aerosol cans are shite anyway. I use 'Plasikote', you can get a very good range of colours in it and some very good matches to original colour.

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Primer says it work with cellulose so not that

I'd still say it a serious issue though Ricky. As far as possible paint and primer shold be of the same type be it cellulose, enamel acrylic or whatever. As you have found out also, roughening the surface significantly improves 'keying'. Was it the primer that didnt go on first or was it just the top coat that was the problem? If it was just the top coat, sanding down the primer before the top coat helps as well.

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Possibly two problems

1  You are not de-greasing the surfaces properly.

2  You are applying the paint far to thick, four coats of thin are better than one thick, be patient it may take two days but it will be worth it.

thanks but mate . . . the show is in a week


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