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MF 3080 Finished!! (NEW PHOTO"S)

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Started a MF today because the schl?ters are coming out of my nose >:(

Lot's off problems whit them!

The MF3080 is a model that i want for a long time Because in real life that's the first tractor i ever drove!

Spend many hours on it and i still miss that tractor what a nice thing to drive!

My uncle has trade it for a MF6270 but that tractor is not as good as the MF3080 he had

he still regreds that he did the 3080 away for it! :'( :'(

Now about the model Ive looked at Sean's MF3125 What a magnificent model he's making!

And i got the idea to do the same as him but then a difrent type of tractor(3080 is almost the same size!)

so in head lines the same kind off construction as Sean dous!

I hope if he don't mind that i look how he did the things on his model! :-[

Only one difrence i make my bonnet completly my self!

this is how far i came today!

(i will use anhoter chassis from a claas celtis from UH whit front mudguards!)

This is only to look how it looks like when i am going to build on the claas celtis chassis!



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thanks guy's ;)

This is one i realy wanted to make for some time!

I already begon on the bonnet and that is taking shape nicely!

Tomorow i must take the Dremel and use that for a half day

For this bonnet and for the bonnet's from the 8160's

Taking my time for that i want to have these models PERFECT!

I shal look if i can post some pics how the model now is!

Here they are!



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well deere est i alway's wanted a model off this type off MF

Learned to drive the first tractor i ever drove (i where 12 years old! ;D)

spended many hours on it in the fields and maize silage!

Also my uncle used it to load the feedingwagon whit it!

There where a crain behind it!

I have some photo's some where off that combination

shall look to scan them and post them here!

Also i made some photo's in the woods whit the new tyre's!(where a few years ago)shall post them to!

cheers Johny

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